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Girls Are Much Better Than Boys

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Girls keep themselves and where they live clean. :bow:


Guys seem to not care. :bow:

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Yes you are absolutly (w)right a girl can fake a o.....m better than a boy

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Well, if some skills were mastered that wouldn't be the case now, would it?? :bow:

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Yes you are absolutly (w)right a girl can fake a o.....m better than a boy

:bow: Sorry i have never had that problem where i needed to fake it :bow:

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Be mindful of your content, guys and gals; this is still a family board.


That's not always true, jeanway; I know some girls whose homes are just as messy as anything you've ever seen. :bow:

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Be mindful of your content, guys and gals; this is still a family board.


That's not always true, jeanway; I know some girls whose homes are just as messy as anything you've ever seen. :bow:



Agreed on both points Ace. Tuesday I was at Dominoes when a filthy skank of a woman came in. Personally I abhor filth and have been known to grab a sponge and clean up. Most all of the clutter around me belongs to M, clutter that does belong to me is organized. :bow:

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I am trying to be discrete, AE. I wasn't talkiing about that kind of dirty :P when I started this thread, it just kind of wandered over there. :) So, AE, you clean?? :o Not many men do. The perfect guy, to me, would be one who does laundry, cooks, likes to vacuum and wash dishes and knows how to go food shopping. :( Also knows when to leave me alone. :bow: OH, and DOESN'T Snore :bow: :( OH, and one more thing. His FEET don't stink :) :o

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Women are better than men in many ways and men are better than women in many ways, that's why we compliment each other so well. There is no one gender better than the other.

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Some of us are youth... :laugh::thumbs:


I'm relatively clean..... I keep my room clean....

I'm not a mess....

I'm not too bad...

I know some guys that are decent...


The battle of the sexes has been going on for a while.


Did you know that the humans species is one of the only species where the male is larger than the female?

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Be mindful of your content, guys and gals; this is still a family board.


oops sorry :laugh:

B) tut tut tut..i shall say no more you bad girl :thumbs: *scooby doo laugh*...and you say i am bad B)

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Lets not start bashing one entire group of the human race. The implication that all men (and boys) don't practice good personal hygiene and don't care about the environment in which they (we) live can be viewed as a personal attack on the entire gender and is no different then attacking someone based on their race.



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