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Why is Everyone So Angry Lately?

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Why would you argue Harry Potter? :blink:

OMG ... you should check out how hostile people get out on the Harry Potter boards. You've got your Ron/Hermione shippers fighting with Harry/Hermione shippers, you've got the "loved it/hated it" Prisoner of Azkaban arguments, you've got people who love Draco Malfoy (I'm serious) and they're fighting with people who hate Draco Malfoy and all Slytherins in general... it's wild out there.


Then the rumours section about Book 6 and Book 7 is just awash in outlandish theories about what's going to happen next ... then Jo Rowling updates her website periodically and it's a big "free-for-all" with people interpreting everything she says umpteen different ways.


I am going through withdrawal. :assimilated: I confess ... I am a 39 year old Harry Potter fanatic.

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OK, gul where is this web-sit? :( What's one more addiction anyway. :assimilated::laugh: I"ll do battle :blink: PM me please.

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Very Hostile on Harry Potter Boards. VERY....

I know someone who goes on there 24/7 and she is the meanest person in our grade. You should see her mood swings... :assimilated:

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