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Top Ten Mysteries Of Star Trek

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Top Ten Mysteries of Star Trek


10. Why are Geordi's best freinds an android and a Borg?


9. How come after 73 episodes of TOS, 6 movies and 126 episodes of TNG-- we have yet to see a bathroom or somone using it?


8. Whatever happened to all those planets Kirk visited where he violated the prime directive?


7. Why would any TOS character want to appear in a TNG episode with the title "Relics"?


6. How come the cast of TNG sued to stop blooper reels but not "Cost of Living"?


5. Why does the Enterprise have a French Captain with an English accent?


4. Who was Leonard Nimoy buying the 5 Shuttlecraft ornaments for anyway?


3. How come Starfleet can make something sophisticated as the Enterprise yet still not get Picard's uniform to fit right?


2. Why are the Romulans still putting up with Sela?


and the number one Mystery of Star Trek


1. If they really do read the newsgroups, what do they think of my (Brigitte Jellinek) lists?

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