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Posts posted by Jeanway

  1. Good enough jaz. B) Yes, all names except Jean were in titles of songs by the Beatles. Lucy in the sky with Diamonds", Lovely Rita Metermaid" and "Michelle" Now I do believe there were songs with Jean in the title. I've had a couple sung to me in here B) It was very nice. B) But I can't remember those right at this moment. B) B) B) B)


    Go ahead jaz, your up! B) B)

  2. Lida passed Able, Bart and Cain on her way out to the barn. Bart and Cain were giving Able a hard time about Kaitlyn. Then when Lida got up in the loft she heard a similar discourse between Abbie and Kaitlyn. Lida just laughed to herself. Lida logged onto the site and went to the "Name the Elves " Thread and put in two names. Then went to her inbox to read her PMs. Mostly just inquiries about Eden. someone in France wanted to come and a guy in Maylasia. And a whole family in Australia wanted to come but had no idea how to get to America. Lida thought if the three of these parties could talk with each other that maybe they could figure out a way. With nik now at Eden and him able to fly a 757, self taught of course, we may be able to work out a plan to rescue some of these people. This was all speculation for Lida at this time but she took pride in her ability to face difficult problems and come up with solutions, and this was a Beauty of a problem. B)


    Lida yelled over to nik whose computer was at the far end of the loft, next to Aaron's. Everyone had a computer. When Lida and Aaron first arrive they found boxes stacked upon boxes of brand new computers never even opened. And as more and more people came those were set up. And there were still boxes back in the storeroom unopened. The first of the generators in use was working perfectly. A few of the men gave it a tune up and got it running smooth and quiet.

  3. I was just talking to Fen about "Candy" and inadvertently made a poem. It's stupid and silly, I know, but try it. Just pick something then make up a four line poem, it must rhyme.


    OK, it went like this..........


    Candy is Good

    Candy is fine

    Candy makes life worth living

    All of the time


    See how stupid that is??? :nono: Try it. About anything. Just keep it clean. ok? :nono: