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Posts posted by stoned_vulcan

  1. before FC and during there werent many governments i think there were few minor ones scattered but few major governments exsisted i thought after that new ones formed... sorry just guessing bout this though

  2. i havnt heard about that one.. but yeah as CJLP said the changes were cosmetic the origional people who designed the Ent E wanted to make some cosmetic changes and didnt have the chance in FC or insurrection they finally got that chance in nemesis.. it looks better no? and that like thing on the sov.. where did you find it? its amazing!

  3. wat i think happened was in the episode they mean that there is one timeline... and wen teh defiant's crew changed the timeline.. okay say the one where they crash looks like this... ---|

    now say that when they didnt crash it altered the timeline ---/ so the origional was erased..

  4. i never used to be able to sleep more then a while at night, but then i figured it out. if you STOP GOING ON HERE TILL 3 or 4 IN THE MORNING IT REALLY HELPS! TRUST ME! i dont mean to be rude to VBG, but you cant stay online all night and expect sleep for a long time! i mean, come on, its just common sense!

    honestly this is the best advice to give( no offense) okay if you want my advice one is spend less than 3 hrs a day on the comp... as little as possible, ive found that computers cause radiation i dunno if its just the monitors from CRT's that emit radiation but they do cause you to loose lots of sleep... the second thing is eat... ur body may be waking up because it needs food u dont feel hungry but after long periods of not eating then your stomach shrinks, you do not feel hungry but you are, eat at least 3 meals a day, and eat healthy, eating enough fruits really

    helps. force urself to eat if u have to..try those two things.. if they dont work pm me in the morning lol

    I hate doctors! And stop ordering me around, you know I hate that, your not my father!

    sry just something to add... he gave his advice so please dont say things like that he was only trying to help.. i cant speak for him but i think those were his intentions