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Posts posted by stoned_vulcan

  1. lol i remember that yeah one of her past hosts had a relationship with him... i forget which... but yeah my favourite TOS is the trouble with tribbles otherwise i dont really think any of the TOS eps are that bad some are not as good but i woodnt say that any were bad

  2. i believe that we will see another movie.. so what the last movie didnt do well? and ent ratings are fairly decent.. the problem is that paramount is getting tired of the star trek franchise how many movies lose money after all the additional costs and that... but i went to see nemesis 3 times in the theatre and DIDNT read the script that leaked out.... can you say youve done more?

  3. west conference forwards: Joe Sakic, Brett Hull, Milan Hejduk, Bill Guiren

    Defence: Rob Blake, Nick Lindstrom, Brad Stuart

    Goalies: Dave Aebischer, Evgeni Nabokov


    East Conference Forwards: Martin St. Louis, Patrik Elias, Joe Nieuwendyk, Cory Stillman

    Defence: Sergei Gonchar, Brian Leetch, Scott Niedermayer

    Gaolies: Martin Brodeur, Nicholai, Khabibulin

  4. it means.. sleep step back from life (no im not talkin bout drugs) and just listen to music.. have some YOU time.. read, watch TV, listen to blaring music... or just like try to unwind and not think about wats stressing u out and making u tired.. (dont forget to eat rite :) )

  5. ive read all the replies to this and i have a few things to say.. i know there are cases where drugs are necisarry.. but there are also many cases in which drugs should not be used because they are not needed.. there are many things for say depression that can be used.... unless it is a serious condition (im not accusing anyone of saying that they dont have a reason im just saying that drugs are recomended too often) and as for other drugs ... health food and suppliments can be substituted and they are often cheaper and have less side effects than prescription drugs.. though there are cases that prescription drugs are used..

  6. Data: Captain, if I were to become non-functional like the bulb would I recieve a proper funeral, or be disposed of

    Picard: Not now, Data. Where's LaForge?

    that was the best part i howled good post lol when i was reading TOS i didnt think it could get better then i read TNG lol!

  7. In last nights episode the boys needed a time machine to go back and recapture the good times they had while in the 3rd grade. They recruited a couple of nerds to build the time machine but the project was stalled when the geeks started arguing over how many episode of TOS there really were. (2 part Menagerie was the stumbling block)

    Does the pilot count? lol... someone there must be a trekkie