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Posts posted by tbree_dVelnahr

  1. I don't think he has a wife. You do have to consider that he is pretty old by the time that Star trek V rolls around. It can nly be speculation as nothing of the sort is mentioned in Unification.


    Two things: It is logical that Spock take a wife at some point, inasmuch as he has to cope with Pon farr every seven years IE he must mate or die. Secondly, in the TNG episode, "Sarek" Picard stated that he met the elderly ambassador at his son's wedding. Now, unless there is still another son of Sarek we haven't yet been introduced to, we can rule out Sybok and that leaves Spock. As for his age . . . Vulcans tend to live about twice as long as humans. Certainly age never stopped Sarek from taking a second wife. And in fact, he was around Spock's age when he married Amanda, Spock's mother.


    So, I cannot accept your argument, as stated, but I appreciate your reply.



  2. There is a novel out there currently, VULCAN'S HEART which shows Spock getting married, but the ceremony is from a distance, being from another's perspective and we don't get to know the hows and whys of the union, nor do we really "see" the ceremony.


    So, I ask- how many of you think Spock would get married,(whether or not you agree to Saavik as his bride), and how many would like to see the "inside" story of this moment?


    Through canon we have learned that not only does Spock have emotions, but once in awhile they peep through his practised shield of reserve. Not only that, but he seems to have grown more comfortable in his own skin by the time Star Trek V rolls around. What might he go through in choosing his bride, becoming betrothed to her and then finally, what about that short ceremony we were promised in "Amok Time"? What would the actual Vulcan marriage ritual be like?


    Am I the only one out there interested in this story? Or should I continue to work on it and post it here?


    Your opinions are most welcome and appreciated. Thank you.




  3. My own dear father died of Parkinson's Disease just last September. A month before my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I know first hand what the Doohan family is facing. My thoughts and prayers and my heart goes out to them. Both diseases are quite harsh. In many ways I lost my Dad before he died, once Parkinson's robbed him of his ability to communicate; his words having become unintelligible, his hands unable to grasp a pen to write down his thoughts, he was quite locked away in his head!


    And my Mom is struggling for her words, too. She says them clearly, just that she can't quite find the word, or words to say what she means. We end up playing a bit of cherades and we try to laugh about it. But it is an uphill climb from here.


    I wish the Doohan family, all of them, strength and forebearance in the years ahead. God bless them all!



  4. I think it only fair to point out here that Spock does indeed laugh, smile, sing and show emotions from time to time. If you watch the entire TOS series you will see evidence of this. In this movie he has gone through death and resurrection and if you recall at the top of the film he was quite out of touch with his emotions. He didn't comprehend the computer's prompting,"How do you feel?" Spock's mother does explain that since he is her son he has emotions and that they will surface. Spock acknowledges that since she deems them of importance . . . and then goes on to spend the entire movie seeking them out, noting that Kirk seems to be a man of deep feelings. He is constantly analyzing them. At the end, he has found his own feelings again and begins the journey of rediscovering and reinventing the one called Spock. So, it is not a mistake that you see him laughing and playing at the end of this wonderful movie. Spock has found himself. In many ways, this was the "search for Spock" over the other film with that title, in my opinion.


    FWI, the official biography of the Spock character, found at StarTrek.com notes that he has come to terms with his emotions and if you watch, in the later movies he seems more comfortable in his own skin. He truly became the best of both worlds.



  5. Hi. If you are really serious about writing Star Trek, you should check out the submissions guidelines. Run a search on Star Trek Novel Submissions guidelines and you should find them. Pocket Book, a subsidiary of Simon & Schuster, Inc., is the only publishing house authorized to publish Star Trek novels, etc. The guidelines are pretty specific on what you can and cannot do and they do not accept unsolicited manuscripts due to the overwhelming number of submissions they received. You'll have to employ an agent.


    If you have never published before, or at least no more than three short stories and no novels, you may consider as a first step toward becoming a Trek writer, entering the Strange New Worlds contest. For entry rules, see Strange New Worlds volume seven (the latest). This contest will soon be open if not already and ends in early October 2004. Entries can be no longer than 7500 words, but again, see the rules and guidelines provided for the contest, as they too are specific.


    Good luck! And I hope this helps.



  6. There's a scene in VI where Spock is talking to Kim Cattrall in his quarters.  He pours something in a cup and offers it to her- maybe it's "Vulcan Wine".

    With the way Spock was preparing the decoction, steeping it, my guess is it was Vulcan tea, not wine. However, Spock shocked the beejeebies out of Dr. McCoy in the episode, "Requiem for Methuselah" when he did accept a drink of some very old, very expensive brandy. It could merely be that Vulcans are discerning.



  7. Don't forget that Spock's father, Sarek, was married to a human, Amanda, Spock's mother. Not only that but he took another human to wife years after Amanda passed away, see TNG episode, "Sarek". There must not be too many differences or difficulties in mating, and in fact with the humans being a bit more free emotionally, who knows? At any rate, I think they are more alike where it counts regarding your question than they are different.


    Just my two credits' worth, lol.



  8. I've never seen any Vulcan kiss...

    I just see fingers connecting...


    We (I) are (am) an assimilated Vulcan.....

    Actually, Spock kissed Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays". True enough, he was back in time about five thousand years and was reverting to the more primitive Vulcan, but still, he had to know how to kiss . . . I think it is safe to assume Vulcans pretty much mate the way Humans do. And about that finger-touching . . . Vulcan foreplay.



  9. What makes Spock sexy? Beyond the physical attractiveness, the handsome angular face and gorgeous bedroom brown eyes, combined with the upswept eyebrows and those pointed ears ... the tall, dark and lean alien ... It's his honesty, his integrity, his dry wit, his kindness, his generosity, his ability to maintain his cool under fire, all the while burning on this inside with a passion we may never feel. He's loyal, strong, caring, gentle and devoted. By his very nature he offers security ... and that is what most women want and hence makes him sexy!



  10. I agree with Data, I think they wanted Pike and Vanna (was that her name?) to fall in love. Their database on humanity was somewhat limited but I believe they wanted the environment to be completely natural so Pike would want to stay.

    You're thinking of The Cloud Minders VBG, the girl in The Cage was called, and I'm not sure of the spelling but it was pronounced, Veena.


    The female android Kirk fell in love with in "The Cloud Minders" was Rayna.

    There was no female android in "The Cloud Minders", the episode you are looking for is "Requiem for Methuselah" and the name of the android was indeed, Rayna. In the "Cloud Minders" Spock was very much interested in the magistrate's daughter, Droxine, who was introduced as a work of art, just to clear up the record.



  11. Actually, what I have gleaned from the information provided strictly from TOS, it is the male that undergoes Pon farr and the female who responds through virtue of the bond link. Part of the explanation is given by Spock in Amok Time, when he says they are joined through this mind link at the time of betrothal so that they will come together "at the proper time". I do not believe that it requires both parties to be of the same age, although they might start out that way in the beginning, since they are generally betrothed at age seven.


    I think if something goes awry with the engagement, as it certainly did for Spock and T'Pring, that would leave Spock free to choose another mate and since his own father, Sarek, married a human clearly younger than he, that answers your question right there. I also know that books are not considered "canon" and so therefore we generally don't need to accept what is given in one as fact, however, I think that merely applies to novels. In the non-fiction book, "The Making of Star Trek" co-written by Gene Roddenberry himself, it states that Spock's mother, Amanda, was in her late fifties when we meet her in "Journey to Babel". At that time his father states he is 102.4 I believe. That makes him nearly 45 years older than she.


    I hope this answers your question.



  12. I voted for Spock, and I'm sure I've made my feelings for him quite plain in this forum, lol. One Vulcan conspicuously missing from your poll, however, was Sarek, Spock's father. He was really cool, although it is his son who stole my heart. *wink*



  13. I'm better acquainted with TOS, but I've never been good at names or titles, lol. However, once I got the entire TOS series on vhs (currently working on the dvds) I realized how very appropos those titles were to each episode. It does help one remember the title, when it seems to fit the story so nicely. It's too bad about the other series in the franchise, though. I only remember two titles, "Sarek" and "Relic" and that is due to the fact they were about TOS characters. The titles were oddly appropriate for these episodes. I cannot speak for the others.



  14. At the risk of alienating myself, TOS is the only Trek for me. I tried them all, most left a sour taste in my mouth and although I started out genuinely excited about DS9, with the addition of Worf, I ran screaming from the room and never looked back. Oh, well...



  15. I do have to qualify my answer a bit by pointing out that while seemingly cold, Sarek was anything but. And Spock was also a very gentle, kind soul who did protest his emotions, but had them all the same. The Vulcans weren't "cold" in TOS, just controlled. The thing that drew me to them was the way their personalites lit up the screen. We loved Sarek, despite his cool demeaner, because he was quite the character even so. Mark Lenard really encapsulated Vulcans' mastery of their emotions.


    What I find lacking in some of the other portrayals of Vulcans is that key ingredient: personality! Even Tuvok displayed one. He wasn't Spock, he wasn't Sarek he was Tuvok. I disagree that it is age that makes T'Pol the way she is. The actress is struggling to understand the controlled emotions versus what makes T'Pol who she is. Spock's ex-fiancee, T'Pring, displayed her personality all too well in the short time we saw her onscreen in "Amok Time". She was defiant, spoiled and conniving, all without getting into the emotions behind it. So there you have it.



  16. Well,I would visit more often,but the Vulcan embassy is so dang hot and stuffy inside,plus the food is too bland.As if that weren't bad enough,the Vulcans don't appreciate my humor :andorian: .See if I come here anymore!

    You found the food bland? Have you ever tried the Plomeek soup? I highly recommend it, and it's anything but bland, lol!



  17. Okay.Little league baseball and amateur softball have a "mercy" rule.I think the Vulcan Embassy needs a mercy post,since all the other embassy's have been visited often,but nobody seems to care about the Vulcans <_<


    Now,to teach the Vulcans a tune from my childhood here on Earth:


    "Nobody likes me,everybody hates me,guess I'll eat some worms....."


    Hey, being a relative newbie to this entire site, I just noticed this forum for the first time, today!!! I'll definitely come back, the Vulcans are my whole reason for loving Trek, lol! At any rate, keep the topics flowing, I'll be here to speak out. In fact, you might get a little tired of my sometimes rants, lol. But I shall be active in here, you can count on it, woo hoo!



  18. Why does ENT portray vulcans as evil and have emotions but hiding them? Why do they contradict all that's been said about them in the other series?

    It's never been said that Vulcans have no emotions..They have learned to suppress and control their emotions..As for Vulcans being evil on the show Enterprise..I don't see that at all..They're not as peaceful as on TOS and TNG but I wouldn't call them evil..

    No, the Vulcans are just portrayed as duplicitous, untrustworthy beings. What happened to the notion that Vulcans cannot lie? It is a philosophical thing with them, part of their credo, if you will and even the Romulans take it for granted that Vulcans don't prevaricate, see TOS episode, "Enterprise Incident". I was bitterly disappointed in the characterization of the Vulcan race on Enterprise. One hundred years is too little time for an entire culture to do such a flip, by the time we see them again in TOS as an honorable people and a race to be respected.


    Not only that but they decided in Enterprise to make an issue of the Mind meld --- as in nice Vulcans don't do it. What's with that? Spock tells us in "Dagger of the Mind" where the ability is first introduced to us, that it is an ancient practise and is part of their private lives. He does mention it is dangerous, but given the nature of it we see why. Sometimes the melding can be so complete, especially with a human, for instance, the link might be hard to sever. It is how they join with their mates in the bonding of marriage and how they "share" their private selves with each other. I saw no reason to make an issue of this in Enterprise. Not when I'd already been given the impression this was part of being a Vulcan on the whole, and not some whim or fad. I definately prefer the Vulcans of TOS.



  19. In TOS episode The Omega Glory, Spock does a telepathic meld with a female captor who is holding a taken communicator causing her to flip it open thus giving Ent the location for beaming down a rescue squad. The meld sequence was very intense, extreme close-ups of Spocks eyes intensely burning into her subconscious.

    I'm seeing a bit of confusion here, regarding Vulcans abilities to use telepathy and the mind meld. They are not one in the same. In the Omega Glory, Spock does indeed employ telepathy in order to influence the thinking of the girl who had the communicator. However, anytime he mind melds, as stated in "Dagger of the Mind" where we are first introduced to this phenomenon, Spock tells us outright, "this is not telepathy." This is an ability to become "one" with the other individual. To know their thoughts and to share their own. It is a deeper form of communication than telepathy and is used as part of a Vulcan's private, personal life.


    telepathecally speaking, you could read another's mind without their feeling your presence, whereas in the mind meld, your presence is definitely known and felt. Check out "Dagger of the Mind" and see what I mean. Also, you'll note that the description of a mind meld, the complete lowering of one's mental barrier, is almost verbatum how Spock describes the marriage bonding touch in "Amok Time". I've gone round and round on this issue with others, but the facts are there, plain as day. I invite you all to check it out and see for yourselves.

