
The Founders
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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. He dosen't mean 'nothing happens', turn on your speakers! :o

    Thanks for the clarafication (sp) That song brings back massive memories..I belive the 1st time I heard it was when I saw Stand by me with Will Wheton ( Wesley)

  2. Really is kinda silly..what difference does it make? I didn't even put the two together until I heard about Lee complaing...Makes you think, there's radio stations called "Jack" and "Bob" If they were to re-name Tnn Jack or Bob woul Jack Nicholson and Bob Hope complain?! Name the network Jesse..you have my full blessing!

  3. Time Travel Rules! This was a very good ep..I didnt pay attention much to the future details as I was engrossed into the story, I'd love too see a Star Trek sereis on this aspect even though it would get repetaitive and ST actors wouldn't commit etc etc.

  4. I am graduating tommorow..getting my degree in Radio Broadcasting

    ( watch out Mr. Broca, Im coming for your job :waaaa: ) and would like to extend my congratulations to everyone else who is graduating or who is soon to be graduating...for all those still in school, keep it up! Your day will come!

  5. Here I was thinking I was alone in the world. Arms, life is really a sad thing to waste. I understand your greif..If I were hit by a bus tommorow I'd be okay with it. We are not the people to which you should be talking about this with, know this, you would be missed and I hope that we hear from you more and more. Love isn't all that it's cracked up to be, I go somedays longing for companionship and love from a girl and know that one day I'll find it and will be happy. We've all been put here to do something and hopefully soon you will find what that is...star trek is a great way to disguise your inner uncertainity for it creates a fanatsy away from your normal routine, Find something you enjoy and run with it, Do not give up my freind. As with Mike I'm available if you want to vent..radiodigs@hotmail.com.



  6. Xeroc was right about something...


    I really found things interesting to post out here.. ehehe



    Just hope I didn'T flood too much the board today...


    Feel like I'll have fun continue this tomorrow.


    Thanks all for the Welcome :-)

    Flood away, don't hold back. I just wish other "lurkers" would lurk with over 20 posts a day LOL

    :waaaa: Hellllooo Lurker girl! Welcome aboard our fine board..you'll love it here..don't hesitate at any point to express your opinon, it will be most welcomed.

  7. How Quantum Leap ended -


    Click for Spoiler:

    Sam leaps into a bar in 1953 on the date of his birth.  He looks into a mirror and realizes that he leaped as himself.  No one is in the waiting room.  The bartender seems to know more about what is going on than he admits. 


    Sam starts to meet all these people that he has either been before or known before, and they all have names of people he knows, like Ziggy and Gushie.  The bar is even called Al's Place.


    He helps rescue some miners from a cave-in, and in doing so apparently helps another leaper complete his task.  For the first time Sam gets to watch someone else leap.


    Sam talks with the bartender some more and accuses him of being the person that has been leaping him around. The bartender says that no, Sam is the one responsible.  That he is in control of his own destiny.  The bartender implies to Sam that the leaps are going to become much more difficult, and offers him a leap of Sam's choice as a kind of sabatical.  He asks Sam where he wants to go. 


    Sam says that he wants to go home, but he can't, because he let Al down by letting his wife marry someone else while Al was a POW in Nam.  He chooses to leap back and tell Beth that Al is going to come home.


    The show ends by stating that Beth never remarried and that she and Al now have three daughters.  Then words come on the screen that say:  "Doctor Samuel Beckett never returned home."

    :waaaa: Must...fight...powerful memories..must not show how sad that last show made me..

  8. I do not believe that it is as difficult to do as most of you make it out to be. Once you are used to deleting concretions to your speech patterns it can actually be difficult to reintroduce them.

    Especially if you have been writing short stories featuring a certain android for almost two years.  B)  B)

    LOL!!! Or you watch every epsode that centers around him, watch the movies, read said short stories, and novels. You do tend to delete contractions from your normal speech patterns.

    :blink: Please sell crazy somewhere else..we are all stacked up here.

  9. well i dont anything about st.com, and from the sounds of it thank god. but i do know this place is great, and i dont think anything like that would be tolerated here. its easy enough for VBG, or one of the others to push a couple of buttons, and boot someone outta here. but hopefully it'll not come to that. :blink:

    B) ...maybe they already have... B)

  10. I LOVED THAT SHOW. sorry. This topic is going to moved to the Holodeck. Sliders was a great show up until the 4th season when they lost Wade and the Proffessor. My fav ep was when they actuallly got back to their home world but didn't think it was because the hero's gate door did not squeak whereas it had for his entire life..he leaves and his mom is seen talking to a repair man saying thank you for fixing the squeak..Doh!

  11. Please don't take this as complaining..I couldn't ask for a better message board..My question is, why do you think we've yet to suffer the same state as ST.Com and many other message boards I've visited? Is it because we're still growing? Love to hear your thoughts.