
The Founders
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Posts posted by removed

  1. I would date Luke cause he would be a good boyfriend he's sweet smart and is the captain of the lacross team and the swim team and he is a very caring guy I would have to say he would be a great catch to.

    A caring guy? But he slept with Marissa's mom! :waaaa:

  2. Honestly I wouldn't consider myself a geek. I'm only on the net when I am doing homework, haven't seen Star Trek in ages (months and months and months), have a really cute girlfriend, am fairly popular, have tons of friends, and hang out with friends more than I stay at home. So really... I'm not a geek. The only thing that makes me even mildly nerdish is that I enjoy math. But that's it...

  3. Probably Anna. She was cute. Summer is way too annoying and Marrissa is a skeletor. She should eat something. And both Julie and Kristen are way too old. So... Anna.

  4. I just got back from it... and....


    To begin with... I did not love the first one. I liked it, not loved it.


    And Shrek 2 you ask? IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY HILARIOUS! OH MAN! My sides hurt from laughing so much. Puss in Boots was the absolute funniest character ever! It was the perfect movie!



  5. Tomatoes

    Green peppers

    Red peppers

    Green onions




    Diced almonds


    And as a dressing?

    I love Italian...

    and Roasted Red Pepper Parmesean. Droool.

    I like the kinds that are oil and spices, but not really unhealthy.


    I'm actually eating a salad right now. It was a late-night snack so it wasn't really extravagant, but with the Roasted Red Pepper Parmesean dressing it is DELICIOUS.

  6. Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

    Oh! I'm reading that right now!


    And I can't recommend 10 off the top of my head that I loved, but I will name my absolute favourite:


    East of Eden by John Steinbeck. It's perfect. 10/10.

  7. In Kill Bill, Bill has his Deadly Viper Assasin Squad...


    Take this quiz and find out which one you are...

    It's fun.


    I'm Bill!

    The Boss! Wicked!


    Click for Spoiler:

    You're Bill! You're skilled in the art of manipulation. You're very strong, talented, powerful, and witty. You don't seem to have any real sense of morality, and you only let your kindness show around a select handful of people (mostly Kiddo and B.:naughty:. You do have some regret for the horrible things you've done, but won't let it interefere with your life. You respect your opponents, and you generally believe in fair game.