
The Founders
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  1. I'm going to have to say the complete opposite of you, QSMB:


    I found it extremely cheesy, and not in a good way.


    I could not stop laughing... and it wasn't a funny movie. The plot sucked (the whole five minutes of it), the action sequences were terrible (Frankenstien's Monster swinging hundreds of feet above the ground on electrical wires over a crappy stone bridge? Give me a break!), and the actors were laughable. You have this pathetic priest who can't act talking to a moronic and cheesy looking Frankenstien's Monster who is an even worse actor. Pitiful. This was a pure and utter waste of my money.


    I will give it one good credit though. The beginning was cool, with a nice little black and white homage to the original Universal Monsters movies. But sadly, the rest of the movie was a predictable, corny, pathetic pile of crap.


    In my opinion, this movie gets a 0.5/10! :(

  2. Okay did anyone see the season finale?


    It was freakin' awesome!


    If you haven't seen it and like the show, don't open the spoiler:

    Click for Spoiler:

    -Theresa has decided to have the baby the may or may not be Ryan's.

    -Ryan has decided to go back to Cheeno with Theresa, so I assume he broke up with Marissa.

    -Caleb got married to Julie Cooper, but hasn't told her that he is about to go bankrupt.

    -And last but most definitely not least, like he said he was going to in the first episode, Seth has sailed away to Tahiti. He left without telling anyone, especially Summer.

  3. I love rollerblades. They are so much fun. I don't have a pair that fits anymore though so I need to go get some this summer. But it's loads of fun and a good exercise. It's a really fun thing to do with friends.

  4. I'm a "join, post one or two times, and never return" fiend. The only message board I have ever stuck by is this one (despite one misunderstanding that I did not clarify enough). This is still my only site and I still love it here, despite what a few others think.

  5. I watched Moulin Rouge today. It was awesome. The music was great. It was like watching a broadway play on film. Bravo. And it was really sad. The only thing that I didn't like was the beginning was just a bit too weird.

    Another great part of Moulin Rouge is that Ewan McGregor's character's name was Christian. That's my name! Yay. Lol.

  6. killbilllogo.jpg


    So I saw this movies this weekend. Both of them. I was expecting them to be pretty weak... pretty stupid. But... BOY WAS I WRONG! These movies rock! I've always like Tarantino but these movies looked pretty crappy. But, oh boy, are they ever fun. They are not serious. The blood sprays, the corny music plays. Lol. And it's funny how whenever she sees one of her old assasin friends, it goes red and corny revenge music plays. Lol. It's hilarious. This is definitely a great set of movies.


    The first one is much more of an action film. Very fast, very violent, always on the go, not very much dialogue. It is actually quite entertaining though. It is very camp. Has a 70's flare to it. It is really quite fun to watch. And the music and Tarantino's amazing style really add to the feel of the movie. When Oren Ishi and the Crazy 88's walk into the Makai Club, the music is awesome. 9.5/10.


    The second film is very much different from the first. It is much more dramatic and less over-the-top. It is a classic Tarantino film, with lots of dialogue, a lot of it pretty snappy. And Quentin actually throws some emotion into this one. I thought Oren Ishi was the best villain in the film, but the way The Bride does away with Elle Driver is hillarious (and very disgusting. Lol). This, too, is a superbe film. 9.5/10.


    These movies are must sees! And I thought they were going to be really bad. And I can't handle gory movies very well, but these were okay because the violence is shown in a more humourous light. See these films.


    Did anyone else see these? What did you think?



  7. Um... so... uh.... I just finished watching this movie... and... uh... I am in awe. Wow... this is an amazing movie... speaking in broken sentences... because of the shock at how good it was. It is fun... heartwarming... and PURE 100% ingenuity. Ridley Scott is... one amazing director... and... uh... this film just confirms that fact. WATCH THIS MOVIE!




    Who else has seen... and absolutely loved this movie??