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Posts posted by Angela

  1. I feel and don't get me wrong, Jennifer Lien was a good actress, but she never really hit the mark for interesting and emotive acting. I never was interested in her development.


    Seven was interesting, it was like a play on how the human psyche is affected by environment. I like things that over the long haul answers the nature/nurture debate from a imagination viewpoint!

  2. Oh okay that is just weird, but it's because the brain can't physically deal with doing two adverse instructions. the reason you can do it from starting the 6 from the bottom is because you are following a clockwise trajectory with both your foot and hand!

  3. A version of Voager should be used as the ship in Star trek XI.




    It would make sense for paramount and the ST franchise to use all the publicity of using Voyagers captain in the borg experience at vegas and in the last film.


    If they were to have a Voyager film it should be the fact that Janeway would have to be more of an invited guest as say a diplomatic admiral or somesuch to truely make it a Voyager movie

  4. I like ent's theme for its modernity


    I like Voyager's theme for it's purposefulness


    I like DS9 for it's sharpness


    I liked TNG's for its echo's of the original


    I like the filmic scores for their individuality from each other.


    And I appreaciate TOS's soundtrack for it inovativeness.


    There fore I am fence sitting and saying they are all very good in their distinctiveness from each other.


    That and I can't remember what I voted for!

  5. I'll admit, I like MTV's Real World that was the first "reality" television show and ofte gave an experience of the world to the youth that they maynot have had otherwise. But also it wasn't canned television, there were no challenges and such pithy escuses for entertainment.


    The real world also helped enlighten people about lifestyles and illnesses such as AIDS. This was an example of quality "reality" television. All these contestant gameshows masquerading as "reality" television should look at what really makes up good television for the masses.

  6. The scary truth is that although these shows are easily cobbled together. They are expensive to make and the more they push out to make and recouperate costs the more we get annoyed and inevitably switch (as is the case in Europe).


    The reality television phenomenon is becoming one of ever decreasing returns and will be replaced, one would hope, by quality television.

  7. OKay, this topic has only just occured to me because I just took part in an event chat! (Dominic Keating)


    I did submit a question and I had it answered, I did however have to make him think a bit!


    But I want to know how many ppl have taken part in these chats, and how many have submitted and had a Question answered by the actors!


    Also I want to know if you have taken part or watched one and if you didn't get a question answered.


    Here is the thread to post your tales!

  8. I love watching the Osbournes. They are the only family both me and my dad watch and say they loonies the lot of them, but it's sooo funny!


    And an interseting point about the is that no matter how disfunctional they are they always tell each other they love one another. How many "functional" families do that (not many, but there are always exceptions to the rule)