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Posts posted by jefffitz

  1. I am a bit surprised to see A Night In Sickbay in third place though, a Poll we did about a year ago indicated that that episode was the least liked from season 2.

    I would agree. That ep just annoyed the heck outta me for some reason.


    At least it isn't in the #3 spot by itself; it's now tied with Regeneration.

    I'm surprised to see that "Co-genitor" - the episode that got the most critical acclaim- isn't even on the map. I thought it was one of the most powerful episodes of any ST series.

  2. Yes I like them.

    If i had the software i would make one of my own.

    But dont so cant

    Would not know how anyway.

    Check the "Personal Banners" link in "Off Topic Discussions" - there are people willing to make a banner for you (including me).


    I think the banners give us a chance to show our creative side. So much of the internet is about getting information, it's nice to give a little.

  3. I can understand the giant media conglomerates being upset about downloading movies or music- but network TV shows?  These are paid for initially by the advertisers and then re-sold in syndication!  I read in the NY Times that the Simpsons is worth hundreds of millions of $$s' but the network begrudged the cast a pay increase becuase they weren't "real" actors.  If they are that concerned about not getting money from downloads, they should just put commercials in the downloads- problem solved.


    Sorry if this tirade was way off subject.

    I'm in agreement, but I do understand their point of view. If I can download whatever TV show I want without the commercials then why bother watching it on TV in the first place? If enough people do that then advertising dollars will vanish because the audience is vanishing, at least the commercial viewing audience is.


    Then there's the problem they face about syndication. Why put something into syndication if every single episode is readily available on the internet at the click of a button? Again there is no need for a viewer to tune in when they can already watch it commercial free.


    Now comes another problem, now a days the sale of TV shows on DVD is becoming more popular. Why should I go buy the DVD's when they come out if I already have every episode downloaded?


    I don't think downloading is as big of a problem for the TV industry as it is for the music industry but I do understand their concerns. I just disagree with their solutions. This technology is here to stay and will only get better. They (TV, Movie and Record industries) need to embrace it and learn how to use it to their advantage. They could release their own free "official" downloads with commercials already inserted. There would people that will go and cut the commercials out but there would be a larger amount of people that won't be bothered and will just let the commercials run.

    Good idea. I try and edit out commercials when I record Enterprise, but usually don't bother. To quote Tom Robbins- the more advertising I see the less I want to buy.

  4. I can understand the giant media conglomerates being upset about downloading movies or music- but network TV shows? These are paid for initially by the advertisers and then re-sold in syndication! I read in the NY Times that the Simpsons is worth hundreds of millions of $$s' but the network begrudged the cast a pay increase becuase they weren't "real" actors. If they are that concerned about not getting money from downloads, they should just put commercials in the downloads- problem solved.


    Sorry if this tirade was way off subject.

  5. That's pretty darn good. :(


    If you don't mind me asking, how'd you make it? :(



    I used Photoshop to make individual cell of the animation as a layer- then used ImageReady's animation palette to make the movie.

  6. I just finished watching both episodes.  I really love "Anomaly."  The whole introduction to the spheres was fantastic.  But what I love most is the desperation of Archer.  Specifically, how he shrugs off Trip in engineering and then how he deals with the Ossarian in the airlock.


    In the end, where Archer is viewing the Xindi database (with the lights pulsing over his face) is one of the most thrilling scenes to come out of the arc.


    I think it will be good to watch the entire season again.

    Yes SuraksSoul- I thought this episode took on a whole new meaning after Abu Graib.

  7. I remember watching the first episode of "Quantum Leap" and getting immediately hooked. I never saw the last episode- but now that it's on DVD that shall be rectified. I thought it was great when Dean Stockwell made a guest appearence on Enterprise. But I kept expecting him to start singing "A candy colored clown they call the sandman..."

  8. The reruns started tonight. Here's the chance for everyone who missed the 3rd season to see what they missed. And for everyone who watched it, too see the beginning of the series in a new light.


    For instance:


    In "The Xindi"-


    When Trip is dreaming about his sister- the pre-teen Trip is the same actor who played the pre-teen Sim.


    We get a sense of the Xindi's lack of malice from the prisoner who gives the location of the Xindi home world with his last dying breath.


    T'pol bashers- notice her total absence of emotion in the first few episodes compared to after her exposure to trellium-D. The writers knew what they were doing, even if we didn't.



    I'll stop there- please add you own observations and comments.

  9. A few years before the Gloucester Skeleton episode I had an equally frightning episode. This one took place in Fork Union, VA.


    My friend Cumbo lived on an estate that had been occupied since before the American Revolution (the main house of the estate was designed by T. Jefferson- our clandestine visit to that house is a whole other post.) His dad was a landscape architech on the property so we pretty much had the run of the land.


    Hale-Bopp was prominent in the skies that night. We decided to camp out on the banks of the James that night, and take some acid. Our camp site was surrounded by literally miles of cornfields. Well, I was tripping pretty hard when my buddy Ben suggested we take a walk through the cornfields. We walked for a long time before I realized that I had no clue where we were. I mentioned this to Ben and he said he hadn't been paying attention and had no idea where we were either! We decided the best idea was to try and determine the direction the corn started thinning out- because this would at least get us out of the maze we were in. After an indeterminate amount of time we escaped from the corn- into a strange clearing.


    We were surrounded by woods but seemed to be in a man-made clearing, because it was square. We could hear the river from here- so we decided to follow it back to our friends. When we got back I told Cumbo about where we ended up. He non-chalantly told me that we had ended up smack dab in the middle of the extensive slave graveyard. I was freaked out for a while after that.

  10. A couple of years ago I lived in an old farmhouse in Gloucester. My little sister had lent us her 4 wheeler at the time.

    My friend Sanders had come down to see me one weekend. As usual we got utterly smashed and decided in our drunken haze to take the 4 wheeler out for a spin. The farmhouse I lived in was surrounded by literally miles of unbroken forest.

    About 3 or 4 hours after entering the forest, we realized that we had no idea we were, but we didn't care. A little while later we had gotten the 4 wheeler wedged in between 2 trees- and when I say wedged I mean it was as if we had picked the vehicle up and set it down right in between 2 trees that just happened to be the exact length of it. We were totally stuck.

    It was at that time that I saw the skeleton. Sanders maintains that it was a deer carcass, but it looked like a human skeleton too me. Needless to say I started freaking out. I started yelling at Sanders to get us out of there and he started yelling at me to calm down. We managed to free the 4 wheeler and followed the full moon until we made it back to my house- but that night still haunts me.

  11. I haven't seen the movie, but the book was ok (Casino Royale). Most of the book is dialogue, so that would suggest to me a Tarantino movie. But it was also pretty boring. Tarantino hasn't bombed yet, so maybe he could pull it off- but I wouldn't suggest this as his next project. He can always put Bond-esque touches into any movie he does, he doesn't need to commit himself to a huge franchise that will stifle his creativity.