
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Delta

  1. I was at work that day. It was the afternoon here in the U.K we have a small television on a shelf in all the patients rooms it was on with the sound off I heard someone say outside there had been a plane crash I looked up and saw smoke billowing I couldn't make out what I was looking at.


    Later I went into the day room where most of the staff and patients had congregated my friend said there had been an accident and one of the towers had been hit we were watching as the plane hit the second tower. I don't think I have ever heard a silence like it as we all stood there our mouths open unable to take in what we had just seen knowing it couldn't have been accidental.


    Later at home I watched the news with my family still unable to believe what had happened. So many innocent lives were lost that day just normal everyday people going about their business it makes me so sad to think of it.