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Posts posted by BakulaBabe

  1. "Do You Believe Me Now?" by Jimmy Wayne.


    I heard this at work, and nearly gasped out loud when he started singing the title line. :P


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  2. *Oh HELL no! The writers should be killed!, The next film better break them up, Nada...still not diggin' the smoochfest*


    Call me crazy, but as a Trekker since the premier of TOS, I was somehow under the impression that Uhura had a huge secret crush on Kirk, and I was unpleasantly surprised by Spock/Uhura. :garak: I was really hoping for some Kirk/Uhura (especially when I saw the preview with Kirk & "an unknown female" in bed). :)


    When I saw them "all kissy-face" in the transporter room, it made me kinda ;) . I'm also wondering what will happen with Spock/Chappel (if anything). Oh well, different timeline/universe, different romances. As I said in another thread, maybe I'll get used to it eventually.

  3. Well, there's one thing I won't need to see again to discuss - or be disgusted by: Spock/Uhura. ;) 9.gif Seeing them in the transporter room made me want to vomit-smiley-9529.gif


    What I was really hoping for was Kirk/Uhura, since she seemed (to me) to have a bit of a crush on Kirk (in "our" timeline). Oh well. I still liked the movie. :) Who knows? Maybe I'll get used to Spock/Uhura eventually.


    I haven't discussed it much because of some of the hostility in some posts. That's something I try to avoid, even if it means staying away from threads, or entire sections, for days or weeks. :garak:


    Man oh man, I can't wait for the DVD to come out so I can watch it 2 or 3 times in a row! :)

  4. I can't believe I forgot about this, but it's another thing that was annoying...


    Click for Spoiler:

    Obvious product placement! I liked the song playing during Kirk's "scenic drive", but the glaringly obvious Nokia product placement was distracting. I don't recall any product placement in other Trek movies.

    I spotted that too and rolled my eyes at it. lol



    Ok, even I, who loves this movie with a passion, thought that was silly.

    See? We do agree on the movie! lol



    lol at least on one thing anyway :superhappy:

    Well we've sort of hijacked the thread.. but on more than one thing lol. Despite what Alterego might think, I liked the movie a whole lot. I just also have that "strict canonist" side of me too lol.


    No problem, guys! I'm kind of a "strict canonist" myself, but the way things were presented in the movie, I don't have too many issues with the changes.


    Hmm, I wonder if they'll do product placements for alien products in future movies? ;) Yeah, it's late & I'm getting silly. :spock:

  5. I voted yesterday & forgot to say I loved it! I was very surprised by that, since it's a reboot that changes things. One of the reasons it worked for me (besides the fact that it ROCKED!) is that they did a good job (imho) of explaining how & why things would be different from now on.


    I saw a whopper of a spoiler (that wasn't hidden) a couple of days before I saw the movie...


    Click for Spoiler:

    about the destruction of Vulcan.


    ...and thought I'd hate it because of that info. Much to my surprise, I understood why it was done (but I still don't like it), and I can get used to it eventually.


    What's really cool is that now there's 2 versions of the Star Trek franchise (which looks like it'll continue), so we can pick one or the other, or enjoy both. It's a win/win situation. :superhappy: