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Posts posted by jorel

  1. "Paramount is well within their right to sue these people, it's their show and doesn't belong to the fans. If I had a TV show and found out someone was trying to "copy" it, I'd want to sue them too."



    "Good luck on the project.  Its just too bad,Paramount isn't going to see this as an "innocent" not-for-profit venture. Whether money is made or not,they will stop at nothing to end this project before it can get rolling.They've done similar things before with fan-inspired projects"


    Then why haven't they stopped the one that they are going to feature in the next issue of Star Trek Communicator? That project is even selling copies of thier film on DVD...


    It's too bad that some people seem to get hung up on this issue. Those of us involved have had many conversations internally on this subject even more so since we started telling the world what we were up to.


    Why would anyone want to be so negaive about seeing something they love as much as we do? Why do some refuse to open their eyes and minds and at least give it a try?


    Then again, we always seem to end on the same note in our conversations on this topic. We just might be doing something right in TOS fashion as we seem to be making people think and stir their emotions one way or the other.


    I feel a plot line for a new episode of New Voyages dealing with this subject ... got to start taking some notes

  2. The owner of this replica piece didn't feel confident enough in his internet abilities and asked me to list this on ebay for him.


    So, ...just in case anyone would like a part of a bridge for their living room!


    Life sized console complete with:

    Flashing Lights

    Red Alert Light

    Back-Lit Panels

    Classic Switches (to turn lights on & off)

    Seats two "officers" (but does NOT include Burke chairs)


    The final touch to finish off any fan's bridge.


    Now up for auciton on ebay!!!


  3. I also just found this board, thanks to Jorel, I am the guy who built all the sets and costumes for this project.  Hope you all enjoy what you see, and Sulu will be with us in future episodes!

    :) Glad you found the group! And I noticed you also registered. These fans have been terrific and I look forward to a long lasting relationship with them.

  4. Where's Mr. Sulu? :)

    Being that this is a fan made project and nobody is getting paid to participate "real life" can jump in and attempt to create havok on this project.


    The original script included Mr. Sulu and had a really cool fight scene between Sulu and his Mirror Universe self. We had twins ready to play the roles (which would have made post production much easier - no split screen work) BUT... "real life" stepped in. They were offered paying jobs just before we started filming. :)


    Thanks to the quick thinking of our director and production staff, a quick rewrite of the script found Mr. Desalle with most of Sulu's lines and the fight scene was replaced.

  5. While this is an excellent idea (doing Seasons 4&5 as a recreation) and blending it with TOS & the 1st movie...  Isn't this a bit illegal since you don't have the rights to the franchise?

    The topic of legality has been, and is, a constant topic of major discusion.


    We are a group of fans who simply are having the time of our lives living out what many other's would love to do and sharing our results with everyone. The episodes will be free for anyone do download and enojoy.


    You'll note from the first page of that we have decided to try and raise some money for a very worthy cause (The Space Shuttle Children’s Trust Fund). People are are given the opportunity to donate to this charity, but do not have to to get the episodes.


    There is another fan made video that was released last year that has garnered a ton of media attention and even will be a feature article in the next Star Trek Communicator magazine... And as of yet, it seems they have not been given notice to stop from :P Paramount. :o

  6. Greetings fellow fans. I am new to and wanted to introduce you to a little project I have the luxury of being involved with.


    We've recreated the bridge, transporter room, brig, captain's quarters, uniforms, props, ect. of the ORIGINAL series and are in the post production phase of our first episode.


    Please take a look at and let us know what you think! Be sure to read the first page and then explore the full site. The FAQ will answer most questions, the Multimedia section even has a trailer to really give you an idea of what we're doing. Lots of pictures both on the set, behind the scenes, ect. (The site is constantly going through updates and changes so you may see the occasional missing photo here and there...)


    Here is a pic from my personal collection to whet your appetite!





    PS - Little side note, I also got to be an extra on ST:DS9 in 1996. Will be posting more info on that incredible experience over in the DS9 forum after the weekend.