Bakula Bird

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Posts posted by Bakula Bird

  1. I voted Enterprise, as it rules! :D:tear:


    I guess, yeah it may seem soon for a movie, but i mean, by the time it comes out it will be a couple of years down the line and ENT will be in its 4 or 5th season, maybe even its sixth, cos it's not like they will make it in a week and release it before the end of season 2! And so it won't actually be as early as u'd think...


    But i also think DS9 would have been good on the big screen, though i am sceptical about how they could do that now after the way everything was concluded...

  2. I voted for TWOK cos it is the only TOS film i have seen (i am soon going to remedy this!), which i saw the other day for the first time but i thought it was fabulous "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"





    I cried so much at the end though :tear: can't wait to see TSFS!

  3. Indeed. They need to make sure that the timing is absolutely right first and then it will be great! I mean, that time might be in the next series, or maybe it won't be till the very last episode or something, but i am sure that if they are patient and don't rush out a gimmiky episode it will be cool and we will all enjoy and appreciate it. :laugh:

  4. I like the idea of a Q episode, i have always loved episodes that feature a Q and the possibilities are endless! Myself and a friend were chatting the other day about the possibility of him sending the crew forward to DS9 or Voyager, since the actors are all still 'current' enough and won't have aged, though i doubt folks on here would like that by the sounds of things! lol


    At the end of the day, if they are gonna do it we won't be able to stop them, we can only hope that they do it well and not ridiculously!

  5. he he yeah i loved John Billingsley's guest appearance on SG-1, it was so funny when they were saying 'oh come on we might as well be wearing red shirts!' lol :wow:


    Some of my friends who are absolute die-hard ST fans are sooooo anti stargate and i just don't understand it. Its writers are clearly very fond of ST and like TheUnicornHunter said, there have been many guest appearances by ST actors on SG-1.


    I am also absolutely thrilled that Daniel Jackson is returning, he will be very welcome indeed! It would be cool if someone from SG-1 made a guest appearance on Enterprise, would be like a mutual acceptance that both shows can live in the same world... hmmmm that would be excellent! :laugh:

  6. i went for 'The Andorian Incident', i just love when Trip and Archer bash the room divide down and when Archer and T'Pol are bickering... great stuff...


    I had forgotten about Shuttlepod One until i read 'Moulin Rouge's' response, but i prob would have voted for that one if it had been listed... but i do love The Andorian Incident and well anything involving the Andorians as i think they are fantastic!!!

  7. lol glad u like Stargate too!


    The thing i just can't get my head around though, and this isn't a personal attack, many many people around the globe have said that TNG was boring and not that great to start off with... so how come they stuck with it all that time? Is it just incredible patience and respect or did it just not seem that bad at the time? It's just that i can't understand people watching something that they are not enjoying... I'm not judging anyone, just curious as to what it was that made people tune in week after week...


    I mean, if i don't enjoy something i turn it off, like i did with 'Taken', i watched the first one and a half but i was so bored i changed channel, but all of my friends watched it all and thought it was absolutely amazing - maybe this flaws my character and i should actually give things more of a chance to develop... hmmm :blink:

  8. I am sooooooooooooo relieved by the positive replies i have had so far, i was so worried when i started this thread but i feel better now! :wow:


    In the end it is of course down to the personal perception of the individual viewer and i think it's great that we have such diversity on these boards - how does it go - infinite diversity in infinite combinations... or something like that... is that a 'Spock-ism' i just nicked?


    I'm glad that someone else on here seems to like SG-1 too (Captain Jean-Luc Picard) as i have often found that some die hard ST fans are totally opposed to it for some reason... anyway, i totally agree with your theory Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you're definitely onto something there!


    And i also agree with TransporterMalfunction that Voyager was a cure for insomnia towards the end! I almost resented watching the last season, which i think is such a shame, though my best mate absolutely adored it all the way through, so again it is all personal i guess...

  9. ok, so i might be being a tad controversial here, but it seems that everywhere i go i hear people saying that TNG, DS9 etc didn't really get good until they were into their 3rd or 4th season... is this really true? I mean, do u still love the first few seasons or do u now boycott them because the latter are meant to be better? I am so confused.


    i must say that exhibits a lot of patience from the fans, but my main point here is that so far, as far as i am concerned, ENT is already as good as the others were... DS9 i felt picked up, in terms of action, when Worf joined the crew but then i did also love it from the start. I have loved ENT right from the start, just as it is, with no major improvements required, so in my mind this flaws the other series...


    plus, i am also a huge huge huge Stargate SG-1 fan and i have to say that is a series that has always been amazing (bar about 2 episodes in the whole run) right from the start...


    maybe this is a pointless thread and everyone will hate me now, but i had to get that off my chest as it has been bothering me for ages. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I remember reading something about this when enterprise first started, an interview with B+B or something... anyway they were asked why the Klingons were bumpy headed and they sad that they spent more time around the board table discussing this issue than anything else! In the end, it was a decision, they had to decide bumpy or smooth and they went with bumpy, purely because it received the most votes i guess...


    i personally prefer the bumpy look and don't mind much about the whole issue of continuity. I mean, i have heard so many people (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) about it, mostly on the official ST '(I'm trying to say a bad word but can't)y' board (which i abandoned after i found this lovely and friendly one!) and amongst my group of friends and in the end i am just like 'Nevermind, it's only makeup it's the characters we are interested in watching...'


    But i am not saying you are not allowed to be dismayed about the makeup, we all have different things that rattle us! Plus there are many theories about at the moment about genetic modification and toxic accidents or something. I'm sure that they will think up an adequate explanation by the time they really need one... maybe they will meet up with a smooth headed klingon at some point and the transition will be explained... It might also be that the 'pocket of space' idea that was explored in another thread about monsters might be right and there are 2 breeds of klingon and the smooth ones inhabit that pocket that TOS was travelling through... hmmm i think too much i fear!


    live long and prosper.

  11. i chose a recurring female captain cos i think it would be nice for Archer to have someone to relate to regarding captain duties and stuff and also ther could maybe be a little romance thrown in to spice things up for him a bit... i think that if he gets together with T'Pol i will stop watching it!!!

  12. I love Garak too, his understated prescence and his touches of humour were fantastic! And i learnt my most important lesson from him "Never tell the same lie twice..." lol well ok so i am not a lyer, but i still think that's a great line! :lol:

  13. lol easily done Moulin Rouge! I agree, Trip and Archer are a great pair (platonic that is) and they do have the brotherly thing going on, but the relationship that Trip has with Reed is a lot more flexible as they are closer in age and rank etc...


    Talking of relationships, i saw a mental message board once that was reviewing 'A Night In Sickbay' and claimed that there was a love triangle going on between Archer Trip and Reed and that Reed was jealous of how close A and R are etc it said (among other ridiculous stuff) "I wonder who is more Reed's type -- Archer or Tucker?"...


    I have found the message! A part of it says:


    "I must say, Archer's attitude is much more appealing and considerably more logical than Janeway's. But I doubt he'll go for it with T'Pol. For starters, I thought after "Breaking the Ice" that Tucker was her man. If she and Archer got together, I'm sure Tucker would be devastated. Not to mention Reed...and I don't mean because he once said he likes her bum. Ah, Enterprise, epicenter of so much sexual tension. Phlox must be in heaven." ...some people think waaaaaaay too much!! :lol: Don't get me wrong, i'm not homophobic, i just think that someone was reading stuff into the relationships that wasn't there...


    To read the whole review u can go to: