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Posts posted by poguemahone

  1. OOOOOHHHHHHHH, my original post, i forget about that thing, i gotcha, it was just an out of context quote that took me a few beats to get what you were talking about. of course i know the federation isn't estabished yet, it was just my review of the episode where it delt with prequel-y things

  2. I'm still not sure how they work, the whole reason i bought the TNG technical manual was for the Holodeck, but i read it i don't know how many times and i still don't get it, how light can cut you, or grass stains on your pants. But i do think they'll be possible.

  3. uh...sure but when a group is first encountered (if in space), the ultimate goal is to avoid conflict, and not "flex their muscles", and theprime directive prohibits them from encourtering them on a planet, all out i mean, not the blending in with the culture thing with the apperence altering thing.

  4. I didn't like it either, but i could have sworn the Characters took control of the Holodeck from the ion storm cuse it friged up the program, the i saw it for the 2nd time two months ago and was like What the hell...., all they do is talk, and the delta flyer gets stuck in an ion storm and crashes on a planet and the crew doesn't to tell her her mom is lost. don't know what i got that confused with.

  5. here's more:

    1.number of times kirk's shirt gets torn:7

    2.number of people who slap spock:5

    3.number of times McCoy prononces someone or something dead:19

    4.number of times scotty is knocked backward trying to help a woman:3

    5.number of times Uhura is thrown from her chair:9

    6.number of episodes or movies in which Chekov screams:6

    7.number of times Spock "kills" Kirk:2

    8.number of senior staff who die and comeback to life:5

    9.number of women hit by male starfleet officers:4

    10.number of episodes in which the Enterprise's artificial gravity degrades to "point eight":7


    remember that there were not that many episodes for TOS, kinda makes you think.


    my source as always, "Nitpickers guide for classic trekkers"

    by Phil Farrand

  6. 1. number of times Kirk snaps at a crew member: 10

    2.number of times Spock says "facinating":49

    3.number of things McCoy isn't(i.e. I'm a Doctor not a....):10

    4.number of times Scotty uses Scottish terminology:4

    5.number of times Sulu is "zoned":7 *

    6.number of times Uhura says some form of " Hailing Frequencies Open":11

    7.number of times Chekov falsely attributes something to Russia:6 ^


    *Asleep in briefing room in the carbonite maneuver, happy to be with landro in Return of the Archions, Infected with spores in this side of paradise, under sylvias spell in Cat's Paw, pumped full of sedatives in Wolf in the Fold, under childerns influnece in And the Childern Shall Lead, and stunned by Illia in ST:TMP.


    ^exsamples: Claimed Sherman's planet was mapped by Ivan Burkoff and a little old lady from Leningrad invented scotch in The Trouble with Tribbles, and 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me' in Fridays Child

  7. The only thing i know is that if it happens it won't be in my lifetime or last i won't be the one to use it. I tried the Bill & Ted thing where you leave things for you self like say: I need to remeber to come back and leave self my 20 dollars on the table on March 6 2003 at 7 am. and that didn't happen so i guess i forgot. :) But really, i do think it's possible but if think about it, to me you couldn't change the past only view it, cuse to me if your there then, then you have always been there at that time, believe time happens windos, every second has it own time so if we could get a certain time we could back, and that time frame is always playing, so in a way on 19 June 1981 at 5:38 i'm being born even still, so if we could access that time window we could go back, or go forward. it's a paradox :D :)