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Posts posted by poguemahone

  1. makes sense to me, as soon as i heard about and just how they plan to do it i was like yeah that could really work, and those people who think it's wrong are mad since they didn't think of it. can't wait

  2. the thing i heard that makes sense to me is that the ones on TOS are of a higher prestige than the ones with the ridge in the forehead. so the plain looking ones would be your aristocrats, and the others are the warrior race, but the real reason is makeup cost, and just simply Gene rewrote there role, to show the clear difference between them and humans, and later on that even though they look different they still get along. does that answer your question? :D:D

  3. From Guiness' homepage sign if you think this day deserves to be a national holiday in the US to cellabrate irish heritage not only in Ireland. It's not just for irish people it's for everybody, it's a day of pure fun. Notes: you do have to be of legal drinking age to sign it, and you do have to register with the site, buts that easy, and very sucure. It's only for US residents, sorry, And yes this is for real.


    "St. Patrick's Day is coming. A day to celebrate Irish heritage and the legendary patron saint. A day to spend time with friends and a great excuse to party. Your friends at Guinness® believe that a day like this deserves some recognition. Official recognition. That's why we are leading a movement to make St. Patrick's Day a national holiday. We want you to help. Sign the petition, and pass it along to your friends! "


    "For over 150 years the Irish have honored St. Patrick with a celebration on March 17. Today, the celebration encompasses not only St. Patrick’s heritage, but it’s an out-and-out excuse for anyone Irish, anyone who knows someone Irish, or anyone wearing green, for that matter, to come together and…well, simply enjoy a good time with close friends. That’s why we've created a petition to make St. Patrick’s Day a national holiday.

    Join the movement by signing the petition and passing it along to your friends. Then watch as we march on Capitol Hill to let them know that we want to make St. Patrick’s Day a national holiday!


    Plus, when you sign the petition, your name will automatically be entered in the Guinness® St. Patrick’s Day Sweepstakes where you could win a Keg-O-Rator."




  4. Being as though i have only seen it on TV. iguess it didn't hit me so hard. but data's death didn't do justice to the character, and you know he'll be back with B4, when spock died at the end of ST:II, now that's a tear jerker, and you didn't know if he'd be back



    Just where is our future, the things we've done and said...

    Let's just push the button, we'd be better off dead...


    Cause Iiiiii hate you... And Iiiiii BERATE you...

    And Iiii can't wait to get to you...


    The systems of ours fathers is dumped on us, the sons..

    the only choice we're given... Is how many MEGATONS...


    And Iiiiii berate you... And Iiiiii say SCREW YOU!

    And Iiii hope your blue too...


    We're all bloody worthle---


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  :D  I love that tune, anyone have the whole thing?

    i could get my hands on it, if i knew who it was by

  6. the voyage home was a good movie, but in terms of a movie like wrath of kahn that the music gave it more suspence, in the voyage home there wasn't as big a need for that type of music.

  7. TNG has run it's course, they had 4 movies, and only one really blew me away, that being first contact. I'm sure some of the TNG cast will be in the next one, but it won't be a TNG movie, proably along the lines of Generations. The only really logical move would be for the next one to be a mixed cast to fill the void, till they can make Enterprise movies or see how the Mixed cast movie does. but your still looking at 2 or so years before the next one anyway.

  8. I got my new copy of UFO Magazine in mail to day, and much to my delight one of my favourite books of all time is being turned into a tv show. For those who have not read it, it was written by Erich vonDaniken. It deals with theories of ancient extraterrestrial conact with civilizations like the Egyptains, Sumerins, Mayans, Aztects, etc. The show be a drama, not like Unsolved Mysteries, or something, more on the lines of Stargate SG1 or 1st 5 seasons of X-Files . A young group of people study strange artifacts and recreate ancient enigmas that trace our ancestery back to it's earlyist beginings and contact with aliens. Forces in the world want these artifacts never to see the light of day try their best to stop them, the more they go into their research the more they come face to face with the ancients., a race who controls our world even today.

    It is going to be in syndication, and should start on air next fall, work begins on the show this summer, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!

    :D:D :P :D:D:D:wow::wow::wow::wow:

  9. From the episode The Squire of Gothos, he is a being of unknown origin with uncanny powerswho chose the form of a dashing human male. In the episode he kidnapped members of the crew, upon the the crew encountering an unkown planet, in the middle of no where. Later on, after an unsuccessful exit out of orbit by the enterprise kirk goes back to the surface. Trelane then puts kirk on trial, conficts kirk of treason. Then just as Trelane is about to do in the captain with a sword, Trelanes parents appear, and apologize for his behaviour and return home.

    Trelane is suppose to be the precurser to Q, so is Trelane a member of the Q, but how could he have parents then, since on Voyager in the Episode The Q and the Grey(i think), Q and female Q have the first child born in the Continuum, if he is somehow a Q and that was just him having fun with Kirk that would mean that Q has popped up on all series of Stat Trek, and justified for Enterprise. So ha.

  10. did you make it to the one the had in DC, Alterego, at the air and space museum in 1992 i think it was that was great. I saw the Star Trek: The Adventure exhibition in London on CNN when it opened and it does look cool, yet another reason i need to travel to London :D :)