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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. That was a very endearing tribute Trekmachine. I was shocked and saddened when Kellie passed away so suddenly. I really liked her character and I thought that her and Phlox would've made a cute couple. Had she lived, her character would've contributed greatly to the Enterprise series. I must admit that I thought she was significantly more attractive than most of the other women in Star Trek including T'Pol.

  2. They are all great characters,but my vote is for 'someone else'. I liked Seven of Nine's many contributions to Voyager and imo I considered her engineering knowledge to be far more vast and important to Voyager's mission home than B'elanna's.

  3. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Snake handlers are a small,but devout offshoot of some fundamentalist groups. I don't have a problem with their right to freedom of religion, but when it compromises public safety then it is time to take action. Imo, the authorites did the right thing here. Wild,dangerous animals such as venomous snakes and alligators do not belong in peoples homes,but rather zoos. I am quite familiar with the "timber rattlers" mentioned in the article, in Wisconsin they predominate the Northern wooded areas and I have been bit by one. Its not pleasant at all,believe me.

  4. This was an ok ep. I gave it a 3. The whole time travelling thing has been a bit overdone in Star Trek and this is the third ep in Star Trek history to feature Nazis. I recall seeing them in TOS' "Patterns of Force" and "City on the Edge of Forever". There could be other eps,but those are the two that come to mind.

  5. I give it a 5. When I first saw this ep I was a bit saddened that one of my fave ENT characters Admiral Forrest had been killed off. I still don't like that they killed him off,but overall it was a good, heart touching story about Archer's loss of a close friend and mentor and I also liked how we see Soval demonstrate his friendship towards the Enterprise crew.