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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. I have seen both shows. I can honestly say that I prefer Classic BSG substantially more than the watered down,politically correct new BSG that has so many fans woefully divided.


    My fave character has always been Starbuck. He was cool, awesome pilot, loyal friend, and he got the girl(well, most times :cloud9: ).


    The classic BSG did a wonderful job with the f/x available to it at the time it was filmed in the late 70's. Overall, it is in my honest opinion a better product because the stories were interesting and the character development was well defined. F/X are only a small part of the show and I found classic BSG's attempts all the more endearing. This new BSG, lacks the spark of the original. That could be the reason why it was re-cast in such a politically correct fashion. Imo, it was a big mistake to do this because many BSG have been alienated from the series.Since when do characters like Starbuck need to be 'trensformed' into women characters to create 'drama'? I always thought that the original Starbuck was dramatic to begin with :hug: . Granted, I have seen a lot of the new eps, but for me there is nothing like the original BSG.


    Whichever series you like, lets just agree to disagree. ;)