
Great Bird of the Galaxy
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Posts posted by Mr.Picard

  1. I heard the news, too (they really come fast here to Germany :( ). I saw all the people getting out of their cars in NYC because they were in traffic jam... I first thought about new terroristic activity and hoped: OH NO PLEASE NOT B)




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  2. This was a tough decision for me. I always liked the early TNG uniforms from season 1 and 2 because they looked so great and were sooo tight :dude::bow:


    But I voted for the First Contact - Nemesis uniforms because I like them a little, but only a LITTLE better than the early TNG ones... :bow:




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  3. This would have worked for some episodes, I think, but not until the end of TNG. The mission would not be "explore strange new worlds.... (and so on)", it would be "rescue Captain Picard so that he cannot destroy/assimilate human or other cultures"...


    But Locutus WAS in interesting villain, coming from inside the Enterprise, knowing what Jean-Luc knew... But as he was assimilated the Borg were able to know everything he knew (including tactial things, personal things, Starfleet internal things). So they don't need him anymore.





    Mrs. Captain Picard

    The question is though, if this had happened would you be Mrs. Locutus, Mrs. Of Borg or still Mrs. Picard?




    Then I would have chosen the name "Queen of Locutus", I think :laugh:


    And when they get Jean-Luc back I would have picked up my old name "Mrs.Picard" again :laugh:


    So that's no problem :)




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  4. This would have worked for some episodes, I think, but not until the end of TNG. The mission would not be "explore strange new worlds.... (and so on)", it would be "rescue Captain Picard so that he cannot destroy/assimilate human or other cultures"...


    But Locutus WAS in interesting villain, coming from inside the Enterprise, knowing what Jean-Luc knew... But as he was assimilated the Borg were able to know everything he knew (including tactial things, personal things, Starfleet internal things). So they don't need him anymore.





    Mrs. Captain Picard

  5. "THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS" gets my vote. It's the best cliffhanger I have ever seen... Riker standing in front of his crew, seeing a transformed Jean-Luc talking to him:

    "I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service... us!"


    This is one of the strongest and best moments in Star Trek ever. And BOBW is the best cliffhanger.


    So... here comes my vote :laugh:




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  6. Well I am really fanatic :laugh:


    I watch all series, even if I like TNG a little more than the others. But I try to record all episodes of all series and never to miss one...


    Call me fanatic :laugh::laugh:




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  7. The first Star Trek movie I saw in theatre was Nemesis. I was not a Star Trek fan when Insurrection or First Contact came out...


    I watched Nemesis with my best friend (she is no Star Trek fan but she liked the movie though she had to look at a total fascinated person next to her who always raised her eyebrows when Jean-Luc was on screen and who almost jumped out of her seat when Shinzon's doc took away blood from Jean-Luc... - ME! :laugh: ) and I wore my TNG uniform :laugh: .


    So the experience was amazing for me, to see ST on big screen. :laugh:




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  8. Yes, Barclay (Broccoli <_< ) was annoying, I did not like him either but he created gooooooood holodeck programs :lol:


    So I picked up Captain Edward Jellico. He was SO rude against Jean-Luc and Riker. I got absolutely angry when I saw him commanding "Jean-Luc's" Enterprise. And I was annoyed because of his command style.





    Mrs. Captain Picard

  9. Mr. Mot is so great <_<


    I remember a scene... Jean-Luc sitting there and Mr. Mot behind him cutting (?) his hair (I thought: Why does Jean-Luc have to go to a barber??? :lol: ) and talking a lot, Jean-Luc getting annoyed... I loved it!


    And also in "Starship Mine" when Jean-Luc says "I'm the barber..." Great scene :lol: always reminds me of Mr. Mot :lol:




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  10. I voted for the Simpsons though it was a hard decision between South Park, Simpsons and X-Men. But South Park has a lot of uninteresting episodes (I liked the first season the best) and I have not seen X-Men for years... So I voted for The Simpsons because they are my all-time faves :lol: <_<




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  11. Aaaaaahmmm.... Where is English :lol: ???


    But here in Germany you HAVE to learn English at least you had to when I was in school :lol:


    But I voted French because this was the language I took when I had to choose between a second foreign language (first one English :lol: ) and two other boring subjects (one includes technical things and the other one cooking <_< )...


    So French here... But... I don't speak it very well due to some "difficulties" in this language I did not understand (I still don't get them today :lol: )...




    Mrs. Captain Picard

  12. I think it should have been called "Star Trek: Enterprise" from the beginning and not in the middle of the series...

    I never understood why they did not call it "Star Trek: Enterprise" as they came up with the series.


    But I voted for yes because I think it is never too late for changings :dude:


    ENT is Star Trek and it belongs to it. So: Call it like it has to be called :huh: :laugh:





    Mrs. Captain Picard

  13. This is a hard question. At first I would make sure that nobody has played a joke on me and we are REALLY in the Alpha Quadrant...


    Then I would be glad that I finally got home. But then I would start to think about my life which I lived the past 7 years and that it will never be the same again with the same crew mates aboard the same ship (some would leave, some would get promoted or something).


    But to state a common feeling: I would be more happy than disappointed.




    Mrs. Captain Picard