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Posts posted by fredbroca

  1. Right now I believe that Danels said that because of the Xindi arc time is now changing but that is how TPTB are useing to do anything they want with the timeline. The one thing that bothers me is this thing with mindmelding as they don't do it. Now I did miss one of the ep. in the second season when Tpol went to court so maybe they explaine it their but why in the enterprise time they do not know how to mindmeld but in TOS it is a comon thing. Sorry if this is a nit instead of a timeline thing.

  2. The one thing that bugs me is why does the Enterprise have control panels that have buttons(which it should have) but if you look at all the other ships they encounter they all have the flat panels like in TNG. I know that some of the races they encounter are more advanced but they should not be that advanced or then Kirks enterprise would have flat panels because the Vulcans would have given them the technology when they made the federation.

  3. My big problem about the show is the time line not the show. I never liked the idea of a prequile as I always thought they should have done eps. 7 8 9 of star wars. So that has tanted me from the start but I do like the show it just does not excite me as much. But VBG is right it is the best show that is one right now.

  4. The only problem with that is I have heard that AMT the company that makes star trek models lost their licence and no longer makes them. I have been trying to call them on the number that I have found on my model boxes but so far I have only got a busy signal. If you can find any please do. Building them is fun.

  5. I have not seen that ep in a long time as they don't play DS9 around here but I know what you mean and the story can go on. They have already proved that with the books based after the last ep. I know they are not cannon the way they have continued the story would be very good for a miniseires or a set of movies.

  6. If you have not seen TOS I would have to say at least try to watch it. I would sugest an ep from the first or second season first but their is only a few TOS ep that I won't watch. The stories are very good and are still revilent to todays times.

  7. So far from just the fist show I can't wait to see the next one. Its looking like its going to be a great season.

    Click for Spoiler:

    The one thing is that even with my small survivor skills I could have gotten fire at least in the tribe that Hatch is on as if you notice on of the women are wearing glasses it would not be a good as a magnifing glass but it looked like she has bifocals I would think that would be more than enough to start a fire with the way the sun was looking.

  8. I am one of those people that did not like the idea of Enterprise in the first place. I just never liked the idea of a prequel. But I have watched Enterprise and even though I have thought that they have really pushed the timeline bad I do not believe they have broken it yet. It does take awhile for a Trek show to get going I thought the fist few seasons of TNG were kinda bad. The only Trek that does not fit in this rule is TOS and thats just because it was the first and very lucky to have the people it had. Yes Enterprise had not caught my full attention yet but it has been getting better with each show. Now with saying that Trek needs a break I really would not want one. I like having new shows to watch on TV or maybe not to have a new TV show but just have movies for awhile.