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Posts posted by fredbroca

  1. Now with UPN merging with CBS, here where I live Enterprise gets taken off for sports most of the time. Now I know why the ratings for Enterprise is low because whole markets are playing sports instead of Enterprise. If they would play Enterprise at the normal time on a regular basis I bet more people would watch and I bet the people that do watch it at 10:30 pm (where they move it to) don't count as watching the show.

  2. I don't mind it as long as they don't insult me for watching the show. I am one of those people that does not like the idea of a prequil but just like star wars its here and I am going to watch it. I have watched all most all of Enterprise and I don't mind it put I don't think that it is the best trek and you can see that with the ratings that I have given. IMHO if people have problems with the show they have every right to say so but if they start to call me names because what I think is different now that is not cool.

  3. I voted that it would make a good book series as it already has. Gary Seven is a big part of the first two books in the book series "the rise and fall of Khan"(I won't try to spell the rest). Even though I do believe that the third book will be on Cete Alpha 5 they were both in the first two books. I would also have to say that a tv show would not work now as Teri Garr would not look so good in a mini skirt anymore :laugh: and I really don't feel that it would be right to have different actors do the part. IMHO

  4. I have been giving this a lot of thought. IMHO all the TNG movies seemed to me just two hour TV shows. It lacked the big screen feeling. To me. All the TOS movies were bigger than life and belonged on the big screen but the TNG movies I have enjoyed more when I have watched it at home on my 19 inch TV. I don't know how else to explain it any better. They were good but I just keep waiting for the ad break.

  5. I liked this one as well and I can't wait untill next week. Now I have three nights a week that I have somthing on that I want to watch Enterprise, survivor, and fear facto.

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    I all most cried at the end with everybody else and what was Rupert doing if he knew so much about building why did he build one like that? I mean you would think that he would know how long it would take to build somthing like that. I would have tried to build somthing like a tree house to get away from the ground. Lastly I want to see that challenge they showed on the preview it looked cool.

    I don't know if everybody knows this if you go to you can see clips from the show that they did not have on for free you just have to watch some ads to see them.

  6. I voted that it was ok. I heard that it was going to come out and waited in anticipation but when it came out I was like HUH. Its not bad and I watched it for about the first two seasons then just stopped watching. I will have to admit part of it was that I got married and my wife does not really like sifi but the other part was I started to watch it just to see the women on the show. So I just stopped watching.

  7. I have never liked the Enterprise theme I always thought it should have been some kind of orcastraic music with Bacula saying somthing like "space the final frontier". It would have been a great tie in as so far every Star Trek show that had an Enterprise in it had those words. The theme now sounds like I am watching a sitcom. On the other note I have never been able to hear the end credit song as they always put the credits on the corner of the screen and star to promote what is coming next.

  8. I will have to watch as the miniseries looked really good. I just wish they would call it somthing like Galatica or another name as it is so much different than the orignal. Like a lot of movies are so much different than the book it was based on. They are both great just IMHO two different shows that have some of the same people in it. For example two movies based on a battleship. They are the same but different.

  9. They did not use the shuttles is because it would be to easy. Star Trek does this all the time. They have so much technology that they can use that it is hard for a writer to figure out a story that would be exciting to the viewer so they have to forget that they have certan things. So they just forgot they had them at the time so they had to think of something else to do. At least thats the way it looks IMHO.

  10. When the first survivor came out it looked really dumb and did not watch it except the end of the last show. Then for some reason I did watch the next season and was hooked. I have watched every season since then. I really like watching and seeing what is going to happen and who will be voted off next. I have never watched big brother or real world so I can't say I like of dislike those. I do like fear factor and dog eat dog but I do consider them game shows not reality tv.

  11. I liked this ep. and I gave it a 6 which is high for me. But I do have a question.

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    what did the alien say at the very end I got most of it. He said something like when the xindi destroy earth my people ? That las word I have no idea what he said and I played it back at least five times please help me.

  12. I really only have small nits about the timeline as when the Xindi arc started daniels stated that the timeline was changing do to the person that warned the Xindi about earth so at this point in the show they can do what ever they want and say it goes with that. But the things I don't like are more superficial like I would think that their uniforms would look more like TOS or maybe its because I don't like them. I do think that the phase pistols do look to advanced to sleek. I would think they would look more like the pistols in the cage. IMHO.