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Posts posted by Makurosu

  1. What I hate about the Special Feature DVD's is that they aren't long enough. I'm always wishing there was more to the interview and behind the camera stuff. I love the features they do but I wish they were a lot longer.


    Of course I don't really hate the SF discs I just want more and more of them lol.

    I agree. There could be better features on there. Or at least longer features.


    My two main complaints about the DVDs are the menus, and the Repetitive DVD info that follows all of the extras. The menus are just plain moronic. For one thing, it's aggravating to get dropped back into the episode menu at the end of each episode, and to have to navigate out to the main menu. It would have been far better to break up the chapter and subtitle menus away from the episode menus, and to allow for the viewer to watch the whole DVD in straight through. If I'm going to watch a show on DVD, it's usually a disc at a time. It's far more convenient to just throw it in and hit play than to have that silly setup.

  2. If you're going strictly by looks, Jadzia hands down.


    Otherwise, Jadzia wasn't that well developed a character on her own. We know that she excelled as a science officer, had a number of hosts that affect her own thought processes and decision making, and learn some of her habits over time, but we don't learn a lot about her beyond that. Too bad she wasn't featured more often.



    Kira, on the other hand, we learn more about her as a person, and what drives her. She was a much better developed character, IMO.


    In the end...I'll be shallow and take looks. :angry:

  3. One of my favorites. I do have one minor nitpick besides the usual "I did all of these horrid thing, but it's ok....I was under the influence of drugs/mind ray/genetic mutation, etc." :angry: Actually this episode did much better in that Garak did show some remorse at the end.


    Anyhoo, those Phasers that have the big ol' flood light would be terrible to use like he was doing. Not just for the sake of giving away his position, but the station was extremely dark. His eyes would have had to adjust everytime he flipped that light on and off. Red would be a much better color. He could throw the light on and back off, and then have his eyes still adjusted to the darkness.

  4. Well I upgraded my computer lastnight and my Windows XP didn't like it so I had to reinstall XP. Because of that I have lost all of my programs (Photoshop, FLASH, etc.) So I won't be on quite as much while I am rebuilding my software abilities.

    That sucks, but at least you can download some of them again. I upgraded again before this current semester, and my old hard drive didn't make it. I really should have backed up everything on it and replaced it a long time before that.


    I lost a lot of *cough* unlicensed programs in the process. I'd d/l Photoshop, and some of the other great ones, but the school network guys watch the traffic on here like a hawk after all of the lawsuits and issues pertaining to downloading in recent years.

  5. XP, currently. Mainly because of the stability, though I should look into that after the worm. :angry:


    I've had various flavors of Linux on my PC off and on. Windows has been my primary OS because I game, but Linux has become pretty good for gaming in the last couple of years. Plus there's so much open source software, like programming compilers and helpful editors. I haven't tried WineX, but that seems pretty cool if it would work. It'd be awesome to play DirectX games under Linux.


    I'll probably throw Red Hat on again soon, and have a dual boot OS. Either that, or get one of the machines that our school occasionally gives away and throw Linux on that.

  6. agreed. Dalton was quite good. i did hate Lisense To Kill the first few times i watched it, but i kept watching it for some reason, and now i love it. i geuss it just grows on you.


    I'm kind of torn on Licence to Kill, I guess. It is a good movie, and does have one of my favorite Bonds. It's just that I don't like the obvious nod to Lethal Weapon and Die Hard, which had only been out a couple years by that time. It even had the same guy doing the music. :lol:


    Some of my favorite Bond sequences are in LtK, like the water skiing scene. I also enjoyed the warmer camraderie between Bond and Q in this movie. It's just that the darker tone didn't work well in a Bond flick.


    I have just watched Die Another Day after renting the DVD and must say that my family and I thought it was complete and utter rubbish. It had little or no plot and seem to just string a number of CGI shots and locations together without any story.

    i thought that too at first, but after watching it a few times, i really enjoy it. but i HATE THE CGI SCENES!!!!! UGH! James Bond has always been real up to now. i hope they dont do that again. it looked terrible and its an insult to the series! AND TO ALBERT R. BROCCOLI!

    Yeah, that surfing bit was horrid. Well, and the invisible car, the whole sequence on the plane that takes a ridiculous amount of damage.... It also had those aggravating Matrix-like speed effects. Those got so annoying. They just never worked right in the movie.


    It was pretty good until they went to Iceland, I thought. Well, except for some of the M/Bond chat scenes. It's too bad the new M was played so much as progressive in the first couple movies with all that "you're a fossil and a chauvinist" rubbish. The interplay between Bond and M is completely devoid of Connery and Moore with Bernard Lee, or even Robert Brown and Moore and Dalton. The new movies don't have to be filled with corny humor, but they need to lose the self-importance. Bond is inherently silly on some level. It's not that it can't be serious ever, but it's ridiculous to take Bond movies as serious drama, or that there's some important message to gathered from watching the films.


    I'll stick with my older, less flashy, politically incorrect Bond. (Not that he is now. They just have to put in some throwaway line every now and then. )

  7. I liked Ezri, but really wish that she could have been introduced as a completely new character rather than a replacement of Jadzia. For one thing, it was too bad that she was offed like she was. And Jadzia was such a class act that it made Ezri, as likeable as I thought she was, pale so much in comparison.

  8. I tried to pick up a couple instruments in elementary school, but never spent the time practicing. Years later I picked up the guitar and loved it. I took lessons at school one semester, but most of my learning has been on my own with books, tab, and what not. I love to learn about theory almost as much as I like playing. I need to spend more time with both, though.


    Someday I'd love to learn how to play piano, or sax.

  9. Sean Connery was the best. But I like all of them to some extent. I've enjoyed the Pierce Brosnan movies the least, but that's not really his doing.


    Timothy Dalton gets slammed a lot, but I thought he was great. I really wish he could have stayed on for more. Too bad Licence to Kill was a stinker.


    I really liked Roger Moore in his first two. I liked his ability to do humor, and his screen presence. His movies took a serious dive into corniness right after that, though. Too bad.


    George Lazenby was great, too. In fact, his movie was my favorite Bond movie. Sometimes it's tied with From Russia With Love, others it's my absolute fave. For never having acted before, I thought he did a great job. He also reminded me of the Bond in the OHMSS novel.

  10. I loved Ensign Ro, and TNG episodes that surrounded her. It's too bad that TNG couldn't have run with the Bajoran story, but I loved that it when DS9 took off with it.


    Ro was my favorite long-term guest star (if you don't count O'Brien), and did an excellent job portraying the same sort of feelings, past, etc that Nana Visitor did in DS9. I would have liked to see more of character.

  11. My favorite is DS9. IMO, it had the best storylines, including those that ran over a long period of time. It also had the most developed characters, and was relatively light on the preachiness.


    My least favorite (until I'm sure about Enterprise, either way) is TNG. I watched it all the way through, and it had some good episodes, etc. But it was far too preachy, and didn't have enough of what I wanted in a series. So when DS9 appeared and did have those things, I immediately jumped on board.


    I do like all of the series to some extent, and most of the movies.