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Posts posted by TrekkieMage

  1. I like both, and have had both. When I was very little my dad had an orange cat named Thistle and my mom had a black shaggy mutt named Alix. When we moved, Thistle ran away and that was the last time we ever saw him. Alix died about six years ago. Now we have two mutts. Both female, the older one is Bing and she is a big part greyhound part collie and a bunch of other stuff. Sweet as can be. :dude: The other one we got this year, Valentine, part Chiuahuah, part Doxen, part Jack Russle (we think). The most adorable, hyperactive, crazy, zero common sense dog :dude:

  2. Here's a question: Who's responsible for the rule of Captains not going on away missions?  Kirk, because he allways went into hazzardous situations or Archer, becuase he allways got captured by aliens? :dude: [/glow]



    My guess: A combination of the two. And the Vulcans breathing down their necks probably :dude:

  3. I agree with Captain Picard, I don't think there's going to be another TNG movie. They had a hard enough time getting some of the actors to sign on for Nemisis. I think the next one is going to be DS9/VOY.

  4. i saw the one with Janeway as Queen of the ... spider people? - the episode totally reminde me of 'Flash Gordon, et al, and i agree that our heroes will seem laughable in a hundred years or so - the TNG Holmes episodes never did it for me ... i was the biggest TNG fan, but Voyager swept me off my feet ... besides, the 'planets' look SO much better...

    Hee :lol:


    They were directly based off of the Flash Gordon stuff. Satans robot was actually in one of the originals. :rolleyes:



  5. I had to vote Enterprise. It just doesn't have the spark that the others have/had.

    I disagree, I think ENT has the spark that has not been seen since TNG.. Least interesting series is impossible to choose. Voyager is my least fav. series, but that doesn't just base on how interesting the eps are.

    Okay. :rolleyes:


    To each their own. :lol: