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Posts posted by TrekkieMage

  1. :bow: This is about the third time I've watched it. Each time it gets better and better. This time, though I had the chance to concentrate on Janeways face. OMG where the facial expressions out of this World. :bow:  I ended up ROTFLMASO. I have never seen so many expression on her face in just one show as I did in Captain Proton. Before I found myself watching Tom Paris explaining what she had to do in order to pull off what they need to do. I believe in reruns more and more, because it gives you a chance to watch the others reaction to what is going on. Thank God for Reruns. :bow:  :bow:

    Now I have to watch it again! :)


    I vividly remember the scene in the briefing room where Tom is trying to explain it...LMAO! :bow: That scene was great!

  2. We get Voyager on Sundays at 7:00 PM followed by the re-run of Enterprise at 8:00 PM, Voyager used to be on Weeknights at 10:00 but UPN moved it to make room for 3rd rock from the sun a while back, and they took off DS9 for good a long time ago! :)

    Lucky, Voyager comes on at one in the frickn' morning. :)


    It used to be 9 on Wendsdays, and ten on weekdays.


    Then it was 11 pm. B)


    Now it's 1 am. B)


    I hate UPN.

    Wow, I'm glad that I don't get UPN, I just watch The Space Network. Voyager's on every weekday at 5:00PM and then again at 10:00PM. B)





    I wanna have Voyager at that time slot. Right now what I get is what I get, because my parents are never going to get cable. (TNN has TNG all the time and Sci-Fi has TOS B) )

  3. We get Voyager on Sundays at 7:00 PM followed by the re-run of Enterprise at 8:00 PM, Voyager used to be on Weeknights at 10:00 but UPN moved it to make room for 3rd rock from the sun a while back, and they took off DS9 for good a long time ago! :)

    Lucky, Voyager comes on at one in the frickn' morning. :)


    It used to be 9 on Wendsdays, and ten on weekdays.


    Then it was 11 pm. B)


    Now it's 1 am. B)


    I hate UPN.

  4. The Doctor to Tuvok, right before T's mind-meld with Seven (to find her amongst the lost personalities from the Borg whachamacallit):"While you're in there, maybe you could find a personality for yourself."

    LMAO! :theking::martok:


    I think the Doc has some of the best lines :andorian:

  5. I love Voyager :theking:


    If I had to pick a least favorite series, it would be DS9. But, that's paritally because I haven't seen much of it, I still like the series :andorian:


    I haven't seen all the movies, most of them, but not all, so I can't judge them fairly. So far I've loved all of them :martok:

  6. I like the Delta Flyer :)


    But the question that lingers in my mind...How many shuttles can they fit in that ship?!  If the bad guys didn't get them Chakotay crashed them on a planet...:laugh: But, I think the Voyager Compainion is going to have an official shuttle count of every shuttle that was "used, abused, or destroyed" :)

    The Coffee Nebula has a pretty good count. They've got a disclaimer that seasons six and seven haven't been entirely included, but it's a good count, nonetheless.


    I like the Delta Flyer. It just looks so smooth and sleek and... fun. And it seemed better equipped for outings. But it got blown up just about as much as regular shuttles! I wonder how many times they've had to rebuild that thing!

    Thanks :)


    I believe that the Voyager Companion (which should be out :) ) Also has a detailed account of the shuttle craft abord Voyager...

  7. The color of tranquility and peace, blue tends to be the most preferred color universally. Although cool and confident (or wishing to be), blues can be vulnerable. You are trusting and need to be trusted. You are sensitive to the needs of others and form strong attachments, and are deeply hurt if your trust has been betrayed.

    Blue people aspire to harmony, serenity, patience, perserverance, and peace. You are somewhat social but prefer sticking to your own close cirlce of friends. You think twice before speaking or acting out. You are generally conservative, even-tempered, and reliable.

    Because of the highly developed sence of responsibility of the blue personality, you must be careful of perfectionist tendencies that may make you unrealistically demanding. Your gentleness, however, will win out.

    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, think of the blues in your colortime, or count blue sheep.



  8. I loved Janeway's hair in the later seasons.  (The short style.)  If I ever got my hair cut short, I'd want it to look like Janeway's.  That or Tasha Yar's.  But... I don't want my hair short right now.  I also liked Seven's usual style.  It just looked cool.  I don't know what that 'do is called.  Anybody?

    I liked Janeway's hair to, I think Seven's is called a French twist...but don't trust me on that :laugh:

  9. "I never realized you thoguht of me as 'reckless' Tuvok."

    "A pooor choice of words. It was a clearly an understatement."

    -Tuvok and Janeway


    ROFL! :laugh: I loved the others too (especially the EMHs and Tuvok) but there were too many, so I chose my favourite to laugh at :laugh:



    They had so many great moments...I actually had my quote book out because I couldn't remember all of them...:laugh:

  10. "Teh secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field intermatri have depolarized."

    "In English!"

    "I'm just reading what it says here!"

    -EMH and EMH 2


    That was a great episode!


    "When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried."

    - Tom Paris


    "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs, just don't misplace them."



    "I never realized you thoguht of me as 'reckless' Tuvok."

    "A pooor choice of words. It was a clearly an understatement."

    -Tuvok and Janeway


    "I'm willing to explore my humanity. Take off your clothes."

    -Seven to Kim :rolleyes:


    And another one from our two wonerful EMH's in "Message in a Bottle":


    "You hit the wrong ship!"

    "It wasn't my fault!"

    "Well, then whose fault was it, the torpedo's?"

  11. Shopping...depends on what store :wow:


    I would NEVER under any circunstances set foot in an Abrocrombie and Fitch store. Ever. *gags at the name*


    But, if there is a nice, out of the way, small, strore with strange things that you'd never see elsewhere (Rubber chicken soap!), then I'd be more than happy to go :)

  12. Janeway, Picard probably is a more skilled diplomat, but he also isn't American. :)

    Bush isn't even human. But this was a hyperthetical question based on there abilitys as in a real election these don't seem to count (Bush agane) :)

    LOL! :wow:

  13. I'd have to say Voyager, simply because they've managed to do just as much (if not more) than the other crew, without any assistance from the Federation/Star Fleet. They would probably pull a few manuvers that the other ships had never tried. But, it would probably be a close match with the Enterprise-D crew :look:

    That is a good point, but I'd still vote TNG 1st, VOY 2nd

    In an actual fight, I think that Janeway and Picard would sit down and use gool old fasioned diplomacy first, then we'd have to call it a draw :D

  14. I like the Delta Flyer :look:


    But the question that lingers in my mind...How many shuttles can they fit in that ship?! If the bad guys didn't get them Chakotay crashed them on a planet...:o But, I think the Voyager Compainion is going to have an official shuttle count of every shuttle that was "used, abused, or destroyed" :D