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Posts posted by Charface

  1. I hadn't heard that before, DrWho42, but I like it. Very clever.


    One of my favorites is from Stephen Hawking, "God not only plays dice. He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen," referring to Einstein's famous quote.

    I don't understand that.


    Einstein has a famous quote in which he stated, "God does not play dice!" This insinuates there is rthyme and reason in the universe. A Plan if you will.


    Hawking contradicts this in a speech he made on singularites (black holes) and suggest that not only is the observable universe random, there are unobservable parts which we can't even begin to explore or explain.


    I'll look for a link to his speech and link it here.


    edit: Here's a link

  2. All times on G4 are Eastern. What is 11 P.M. in New York will be 8 P.M. in Seattle. The only thing is many fans of the show X-Play are mad because this means that G4 IS moving the shouw out of it's 8 P.M. one hour block, which it has had for over three years.


    X play is on all freakin' day on G4. I swear it takes up at least 45% of their braodcast day. This is a one time event (as far as I know) and they can afford to give up this timeslot without their xplay world collapsing around them.

  3. I suppose the computer could just de-materialize any water it detected in your lungs.



    I had always wondered what would happen if you got drunk (like really plastered) in a holodeck program, and then ended it. Would the re-created alcohol also dissapear and make you instantly sober?


    P.S. This is assuming you've re-created alcohol and none of that sissy synthohol nonsense.