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Posts posted by ChiFire

  1. ever jeard of KINGDOM COME? It's the best. it's an alternate future timeline, where the teen titans have kids, and they're the teen titans.


    Robin is now: Red Robin

    Speedy is now: Red Arrow

    Kid Flash is: Flash

    Donna Troy is, well, Donna Troy.

    Aqualad is now: Aquaman II


    the titans children are:


    Lian Harper: Red Hood

    Mar'I Grayson: Nightstar

    Kid Flash: Iris West (finally! a girl Flash!!!)

    Robert Troy Long: Darkstar

    Aquagirl: Tula


    i can't believe it!!!! it sounds soooooo great!!!! especially Iris West.


    go here:


    go down to K, and then press on 'Kingdom titans'. It is awesome....

  2. well, Spiderman complains waaay too much, and if you want a superhero with problems, you want one like Batman, who BROODS over them. brooding is the new complaining.


    Phoenix just bugs me. the whole "Phoenix tried to kill the Teen Titans" bugs me. The whole "Phoenix reborn out of the ashes of Jean Grey" thing bugs me. the evil Phoenix bugs me.


    B) B)


    Batman all the way.

  3. i remember reading somewhere that there was going to be a fifth Robin, but they never did it because it was basically the whole Stephanie thing again, although mixed with Bette Kane (Batgirl).


    her name was Rylee Cody.


    she idolized (Please stop me from cursing) Grayson.


    she became athletic, and her father was dead.


    little known to her, her mother was a masked vigilante.


    she met Tim at school. fell in love, and found out he was robin.


    at one point, Tim was going to be jokerized (or something like that, i don't know), and she becamse robin.


    that's all folks!


    i read this somewhere, can't remember. don't ask me for anything (links, etc), 'cause i don't know.

  4. you know what, i think that the guys are going to start a topic about girls.




    anyways, i want someone to like me for who i am. i mean, the whole package, whackoness and all. i doubt that there will be anyone like that. most guys think im stupid, gross and weird. oh well, i guess there isn't someone for everyone. and the guy i like, i don't know who he likes, but another person likes him (one of my friends), and that sucks bigtime.