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Posts posted by Wishfire

  1. Not all pre-Surak Vulcans were telepathic. After the split, those who sided with what we now call Romulans who were telepathic died out during the journey - a long, pre-warp technology journey.


    Where did you get that from?


    Yet we know that at least some Remans are not only telepathic but they are also non-touch telepathic. Even Vulcans needed physical contact to initiate telepathy.


    Spock initiated a mind meld through a wall. (I don't remember the episode, I'll try to dig it up.) In "The Devil in the Dark" he also initiated a meld with the Horta without touching it at first. In TNG's "Sarek," Sarek's Bendii Syndrome caused his uncontrolled emotions to be telepathically transmitted to people all over the ship.


    There most certainly is evidence that Vulcans don't require physical contact for their telepathy to work.

  2. You leave pubes on the seat and pee, we dont want to see it


    Only when trimming. And that doesn't apply to pee.


    And I thought I was the only one to trim while hovering over the toilet..


    Well, I use an electric trimmer. That's not something I want near the goodies while in the shower. And I don't want to sweep the floor when I'm done.


    Hey, um, let's not talk about this anymore.

  3. An ex-girlfriend told me that the reason the toilet seat should remain down is because when women wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom they are groggy and so don't pay attention to whether or not the toilet seat is down, so if it isn't down, they may fall into the toilet and get a butt-load of water.


    In response, I pointed out that men who wake up in the middle of the night would be just as groggy, and also would not being paying attention to whether or not the toilet seat is down, plus with the added fact that mens' aims are at their worst in the middle of the night after just waking up, if the toilet seat is down we run a high risk of peeing all over the seat. What's worse, we may do so without even realizing it, and so neglect to wipe up afterwards.


    In conclusion, the logical position for the toilet seat is up. If the seat is up, and they fall in, they get wet with toilet water. If the seat is down, and has been peed on, they get wet with urine.


    Additionally, I'd say that a man's usage of the toilet is not quite 50/50. More like 90/10.