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Posts posted by Wishfire

  1. Yes, I can see them now.


    I could've sworn that there's dialogue somewhere in TOS that the 1701 was built on Earth.


    Also, all the other Enterprise dedication plaques that list location of construction say, specifically, in fleet yards, rather than just "San Fransisco."


    1701: San Fransisco

    1701-A (1): San Francisco, Calif. (That one implies even more-so that construction took place on the surface.)

    1701-A (2): San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth

    1701-B: No location given

    1701-C: Unknown

    1701-D: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars

    1701-E: San Francisco Yards


    From Memory Alpha.

  2. I can't see any of those images. I get the message:


    The error returned was:


    Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.


    EDIT: Never mind, I can see them when replying to the post, but only reduced size images.

  3. I guess I'll go with the first poll option, since I'm planning on seeing it regardless. Plus, I think it looks pretty cool.


    and why is the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 being Built on Earth and not in Utopia Plantia Yards


    Because that's where it's supposed to be built. According to the dedication plaque in TOS, the Enterprise was built in San Fransisco. (Utopia Planitia is on Mars... also on the surface).


    I voted "not too sure about the reboot stuff"


    The San Fransisco Fleet Yards are in earth orbit. http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/San_Francisco_Fleet_Yards


    As are Utopia Planitia. http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Federation_shipyards


    Below is an image of Utopia Planitia shipyards, taken from the TNG episode "Parallels."




    Does that look like it's in orbit?


    If one shipyard can be on a planet surface, why not another?

  4. I guess I'll go with the first poll option, since I'm planning on seeing it regardless. Plus, I think it looks pretty cool.


    and why is the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 being Built on Earth and not in Utopia Plantia Yards


    Because that's where it's supposed to be built. According to the dedication plaque in TOS, the Enterprise was built in San Fransisco. (Utopia Planitia is on Mars... also on the surface).

  5. Find the differences between the two images.






    There are five differences in total, each worth five points.


    If you've already sent me trivia answers, you can send me a second PM with the answers for this bonus.


    (If you're wondering, the original image is a pre-release screen-cap from the upcoming movie.)

  6. Woman killed by husband's coffin


    Posted Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:00pm AEDT


    A woman in Brazil was killed by the coffin carrying her late husband when the hearse they travelled in was hit by another vehicle, local media reported.


    Marciana Silva Barcelos, 67, was on the way to the cemetery to bury her husband, 76-year-old Josi Silveira Coimbra, who died of a heart attack the night before at a dance, Folha de Sao Paulo daily reported.


    The hearse was hit from the rear by another car, local police told several newspapers, causing the coffin to slam into the head of Ms Barcelos, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.


    The accident occurred about 110 kilometres south of Porto Alegre city in Brazil's southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul.




    Tragically hilarious.