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Posts posted by Stelfan

  1. Khan's spirit killed Kirk huh? Hmm i like that idea.Khan gets the last laugh.I think it would make for a more fitting death for Kirk if it were true(then again who's to say it isnt :idea: )Instead of being killed battling some El Aurian who Kirk has never met he is killed by the greatest Arch enemy he ever had!

    Yeah, that would be great! Khan is the only who "deserves" to kill Kirk, think of all the time he has devoted to thinking about how much he hates him :unsure:

  2. Wonder if they are planning for T'Pol to begin liking Porthos. By this i mean T'Pol feels the need to have a pet sort of thing. who looks after Porthos when Archer is away though  :)

    Would be great if Archer asks T'Pol to look after Porthos while he is away on a mission... I can imagine a lot of comical scenes :)

  3. I was just thinking.  A while back, when Generations first came out, I remember people saying the Ent-B was either their favorite ship or butt-ugly.


    So, what are your thoughts on this ship?  Personally, I thought it made for an awesome Excelsior-class ship, especially for it's cool unique look.  It doesn't seem that the Ent-B look caught on the Excelsior-class as the only other ship we've seen with the modifications is the Lakota.


    Did you like the Enterprise-B?

    Not really. I thought that class looked bulky. I did like the C. It was more streamlined.

    Agree with you on that one, I didn't really like the ENT-B design either.. The bridge was okey, though.

  4. I love the design of the ambassador class. Just hope they could do a series on the New Frontier books, sad that it wont be done if the producers don't want to do any more on the 24'th century..

    Well, I'm sure they could do a movie or mini-series on New Frontier, just not a full TV series. It seems they want to put all their focus on ENT.

    Yeah, I agree that they shouldn't do a full 7 season series on it, however a three-part TV movie or something similar would be great!

  5. Exactly my point, Perhaps that's why Worf didnt want to explain the story, passing it off as 'embarrasing'!!!!!


    (Ok, maybe not, but its a funny idea)

    Perhaps the klingons all died about the time of TOS, and a new race secretly stepped in and pretended they were klingons.. That's why Worf passes it off as embarrassing, he is afraid that the truth might be revealed! :)

    OMG i've started off a trek conspiricy!

    Perhaps you are the one responsible for this, ARMS!

    You destroyed an entire race, for that I challenge you!


  6. I've put lots of thought into this, and here is my conclussion:


    Starfleet is a military ("The Expanse" messes this up, though), but their goals are not that of today's military.  While they do defend those in need and go on the offensive when neccessary, I'd like to believe that Starfleet's main goal is to explore the galaxy, go on scientific missions, and aid those in need.


    What do you guys think?

    One difference could be that Starfleet would probably never try to conquer another country with military force, that has been done many times in our time for many different reasons. I agree that Starfleet is a military, however they are not the same as the military we have today.

    I was simply trying to point why I think Starfleet is not military in the meaning we have for the word today..

  7. Exactly my point, Perhaps that's why Worf didnt want to explain the story, passing it off as 'embarrasing'!!!!!


    (Ok, maybe not, but its a funny idea)

    Perhaps the klingons all died about the time of TOS, and a new race secretly stepped in and pretended they were klingons.. That's why Worf passes it off as embarrassing, he is afraid that the truth might be revealed! :laugh:

  8. It is all rather curious how time travel is only available in certain situations, i mean, theres plenty of time both in the movies and the series where time travel would have been useful, but it wasnt even raised, even though its seems to be as easy as just releasig some chroniton particles in front of you - a la First Contact

    Yeah, it seems quite easy in FC too.. Now when they have done it one time, why not do it again? Just re-create what the Borg did..

  9. I've put lots of thought into this, and here is my conclussion:


    Starfleet is a military ("The Expanse" messes this up, though), but their goals are not that of today's military.  While they do defend those in need and go on the offensive when neccessary, I'd like to believe that Starfleet's main goal is to explore the galaxy, go on scientific missions, and aid those in need.


    What do you guys think?

    One difference could be that Starfleet would probably never try to conquer another country with military force, that has been done many times in our time for many different reasons. I agree that Starfleet is a military, however they are not the same as the military we have today.

  10. I would have liked to have seen more stories focused on so called Lower Deck Crewmembers.. The Senior Officers have great jobs and it is an exciting adventure for them. But what about that Ensign in the Armory or that Transporter Technician? There must have been many scanners and consoles that needed constant montoring. One time I seem to remember Picard calling to Turbo lift control when Q stopped everything. What's it like to be in control of the Turbolifts? Are they happy with what they do? Kinda like a day in the life of an Ensign. I wonder if it's a long boring shift then sleep and then back to it again.

    I would imagine that hardly nobody does the same job every shift. As many are trained in different areas they might have turbolift control one shift, then the next is in the transporter room and so on..