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Posts posted by Stelfan

  1. There are other good season 2 episodes of course but these are some of the highlights. I envy you being able to see them for the first time. I wish I could watch them all again for the first time.

    I must admit it really isn't that bad that the I can watch as many episodes as i which, and dont have to wait a week between them.. However it was not that nice when DS9 wasn't on DVD :(


    I have also been told that season 2 of ENT wont be airing on swedish TV until next summer.. That sucks! Luckily I can download the eps. from the internet, but it's just not the same!

  2. I'd say the show really kicks off with Season 3 and keeps getting better from there.  As for episode highlights?  I think you should watch all the episodes in order, only skipping the ones that you get borred with. :(

    Actually I never skip any eps, I watch all of them in order. I wasn't looking for advice on which to skip, just those I should look forward to ;)


    I haven't seen any ep. yet that bored me, and I'm half way through season 2 now.. I'm really getting into it, so far my fav. character would be Odo or Quark, I loved "The Nagus"!

  3. The cast sould have been drastically different as well:


    Stephen Macht as Picard, (General Krim on some DS9 eps)

    Jeffrey Coombs or Vaughan Armstrong as Riker (We all know who they are)

    Eric Menyuk as Data (The Traveler, came down to him and Spiner)

    Tim Russ as Geordi (Tuvok)

    I would find it very interesting to see Vaugn Armstrong as Riker. I think he could have pulled it off..

  4. Basically everything except TAS and DS9 "Rejoined".

    So, why not DS9 'Rejoined' CJLP..???

    I can deal with episodes which have messages I don't agree with as they make good discussions, but DS9 "Rejoined" just screamed out homosexuallity to me. Had their not been a female/female kiss, my feelings might be different.

    Do you consider homosexuality to be wrong? some kind of disease?

  5. those of you with a channel that will show voyager are lucky. my upn affiliate got rid of it in september and replaced it with becker, which even though it was a cbs show, is now in syndication.

    voyager used to be on midnight for me also. i miss it so much. :dude:  for me i'm stuck to watching the four episodes i have on tape.




    It isn't very long until they are releasing VOY on DVD. Soon you can have them all! :)

  6. I must admit that it doesn't look like it will be a very groundbreaking episode. Just hope we will get some more character moments and not just action.


    Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to seeing ENT again, I have never watched a single episode I didn't like!

  7. DS9, I have bought season 1 and 2 on DVD. I haven't been able to see DS9 before because it hasn't been aired on TV in Sweden. I have almost watched all episodes from season 1.


    So now I want some tips on any great episodes to look forward to in season 2, and also I would like to know your opinion on which seasons were the best? Was it like TNG, that it really kicked off after season 3 (IMO) or did it have it's peek in the beginning?

  8. Wait, hasn't anyone mentioned Michael Dorn..


    Well, he was Worf in both TNG and DS9, as most of you probably know. And he played a klingon advocate in ST: VI, The Undiscovered Country.

    Actually, he played Worf's grandfather, Colonel Worf, defendant of Kirk and McCoy. :unsure:

    Yeah, that's right!

    I have to rewatch that movie, haven't seen it for almost 2 years I think..

  9. I have never seen TAS, everything else I have liked, and some loved. All the different shows have great episodes, however I think TNG had the best crew.

    So, does that mean that everything, minus TAS, is canon for you?

    Yep, sorry I wasn't clear on that, just changed my last post now.. :unsure:

  10. Wait, hasn't anyone mentioned Michael Dorn..


    Well, he was Worf in both TNG and DS9, as most of you probably know. And he played a klingon advocate in ST: VI, The Undiscovered Country.

  11. Since there are so many procedures, tests and demands to join the Federation I would be surprised if anyone would want to leave since it must have been thought through a lot. However, if someone would wish to leave, I believe they would have been allowed to.