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Infinite possibilities

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In the TNG episode 'Parallels' we are confronted with several alternate versions of the Enterprise-D (over 285,000!!) and I was thinking of the various alternate time lines that would still produce an Enterprise-D at that spot with some version of worf on board.... So is anybody up for a little counterfactual,fictional,future,alternate quantum universe,historical speculation :borg2:



Here is one of mine .......

Captain Yar (riker killed by armus,picard by the borg) and

Commander Bochra (the Romulan that Geordi found in the episode 'The Enemy' , the federation allied with the Romulans not the Klingons ) are on a mission to transport the Klingon terrorist leader Worf,son of Maug to a Federation penal colony when tactical officer Deanna Troi (she was raised by her father after her mother drowned trying to save her sister, and went into security after a life time of her fathers stories of the ancient west and other adventures) alerts the captain that something is wrong with sensors and ops officer Janeway(she never transfered from science to command) quickly confirms that it is a space/time disruption just in time to be confronted with the other 285000 ships that have also been transported to the same alternate universe , but don't worry Dr. Barclay confirms that there are no injuries,and everyone knows that the doc is very thorough,as he is a bit of a hypochondriac himself :assimilated:

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Before I get started, I'd like to remind everyone that parrallel reallities and alternate timelines are not the same thing. I believe that there would be an infinite number of reallities, but each reallity can only have one timeline at a time. When you change history, you're replacing your "known" timeline with a different one, in that one reallity. Make sense?


As for the a new reallity, I'd rather have seen Worf on the Enterprise-D with Captain Riker where the Borg had assimilated the Federation. That would have been interresting.

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It is my belief that at every single point in time, decisions are being made - what to eat, where to go, how to get there, when to leave etc. Each one of these decisions creates an alternate reality for each possible decision, we merely live out one, while alternate versions of ourselves each choose a different decision. This all runs through one parrallel timeline, like Sliders (anyone remember that show??)

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Really in a way your both right (does that mean in some other reality your both wrong??? :assimilated: ) but what I mean is the Captain, I believe and correct me if Im wrong, is referring to how space/time works in star treks reality,while you alluded to the 'many worlds' interpretation of quantum theory. I favor m.w.s (even if the only reason our universe exists is because someones pet targ swatted a glob fly with his tail while in another he misses,but it renders any change in the timeline impossible and ruins some great episodes!! :borg2:

"Many worlds" does lead to some intriguing possibilities , for example by that theory there is no 'mirror universe' but a nearly infinite number of them as well(ones like we saw on DS9 where the Alliance conquers the terrans, one where mirror Spock ignored Kirk and I.S.S.Enterprise-E is proweling Imperial space with the mirror Picard in command.etc.),but getting back to the topic Im curious to hear some of your speculations on the Enterprises!!! :borg2:

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It is my belief that at every single point in time, decisions are being made - what to eat, where to go, how to get there, when to leave etc. Each one of these decisions creates an alternate reality for each possible decision, we merely live out one, while alternate versions of ourselves each choose a different decision. This all runs through one parrallel timeline, like Sliders (anyone remember that show??)

That's exactly right, but I believe you'd also have different actions happening and so forth in addition to decissions. Also, it's parrallel reallity, not timeline as that has to do with time travel. :assimilated:

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It is my belief that at every single point in time, decisions are being made - what to eat, where to go, how to get there, when to leave etc. Each one of these decisions creates an alternate reality for each possible decision, we merely live out one, while alternate versions of ourselves each choose a different decision. This all runs through one parrallel timeline, like Sliders (anyone remember that show??)

That's exactly right, but I believe you'd also have different actions happening and so forth in addition to decissions. Also, it's parrallel reallity, not timeline as that has to do with time travel. :assimilated:

What i meant was that all of these parrallel universes are running concurrently within the same timeframe, so it is say... Friday, January 9th 2004 in all of them

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Hey...Do Ya Think The Q Ocupy All These Realities. Not Alternate Qs, But The Same Qs. I'm Thinking They Exist On A Higher Plain Of Reality Or Whatever. And Can Go From One To Another As They Please. Am I Making Sense??

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my head hurts....




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my decision to post that resulted in one other parrallel (to not to post

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my head hurts....




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my decision to post that resulted in one other parrallel (to not to post

Hey, dont forget the infinate number of alternate realities created for each thing you could have written!!

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Strike Team Leader, Jean Luc Picard, With His Command Crew Cosisting Of William Riker, Miles O'Brien, Tuvok, Dukat & Natasha Yar, Along With A Team Of Soldiers Infiltrate A Secrect Bunker, Commanded By Julian Bashier, In An Attempt To Destroy The Shield Generator Protecting The Genesis Star, Strong Hold Of The Tyrant, Khan Noonien Singh.


The Rebel Attack Fleet, Led By Kira Nerys & Tomalak Drops Out Of Warp At The Genesis Star, Just As Picard's Strike Time Is Captured On The Moon Below.



Can They Defeat Khan & His Super Human Army And Restore Freedom To The Galaxy?







How's That? :laugh:

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Okay, your universe sounds cool but you know that given the situation that somewhere along the way picard has to scream KAAAAAHHHHHHNNNN!!!!!!!! :laugh:


Edited by welfconfed

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Strike Team Leader, Jean Luc Picard, With His Command Crew Cosisting Of William Riker, Miles O'Brien, Tuvok, Dukat & Natasha Yar, Along With A Team Of Soldiers Infiltrate A Secrect Bunker, Commanded By Julian Bashier, In An Attempt To Destroy The Shield Generator Protecting The Genesis Star, Strong Hold Of The Tyrant, Khan Noonien Singh. 


The Rebel Attack Fleet, Led By Kira Nerys & Tomalak Drops Out Of Warp At The Genesis Star, Just As Picard's Strike Time Is Captured On The Moon Below.



Can They Defeat Khan & His Super Human Army And Restore Freedom To The Galaxy?







How's That? :laugh:

Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like Return of the Jedi with a Trek theme to me :laugh:

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I agree with CJLP that it would have been very interesting to see the Enterprise with Riker in command and Picard as Locutus, assimilating the federation..

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Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like Return of the Jedi with a Trek theme to me  :laugh:

That's Because It Is, lol


I Started Out With A Good Idea...Then It Degraded Into A 'Return Of The Jedi' Parody, lol I Was Really Tired At The Time I Posted It, lol

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I just post this up for fun, its an old theory of mine concerning realities. :laugh::laugh:


Here's what I wrote on "time paradoxes", not sure if its same topic or not.



People always ask this very question.

Harry: "Wait a second, If I send a message from the future & change the past, then that future may no longer exist, right. So how could I send the message in the first place?"


In order to answer this, we need the "multi universe" theory's help. Where


[with every choice made the universe is separated to unlimited of different universes based on the choices made & proceeds on with its own course of time.]



We'll be focusing on Voyager "Timeless" as its the best example.


PS: Please ignore the dots (`), its to keep far apart words stay apart.


```````````````````````````Year 2390

``````````````````````(15 years after Harry`````[Geordi Laforge

``````````````````````& Chakotay got back)`````````a Captain]


Alternate reality >_____________________________________________



They both have`````````````````/```````````````````They both have

Same History``````````````````/```````````````````different Future



Normal Reality....>_____________________________________________


```````````````````````Year 2375``````````````Year 2378 "Endgame"

```````````````(Voyager attempted Quantum

````````````````````Slipstream Drive)


As you can see, this 2 lines represent 2 different Timelines intersecting with one another in a certain time [2390 & 2375]

My theory is, when a timeline has been changed, the previous Universe hasn't been destroyed. It is still there thriving. So Laforge's fear was unjustified, he could just let Chakotay, Harry Kim & the Girl to do their business & they will all still be alive & living in that timeline they knew after Voyager's crash.

While another Reality where Voyager hasn't crashed but exited the slipstream just in time is created to live long & prosper.


But theres a catch to altering the timeline, a very big catch, which the cost is the alterer's life in this case "Harry Kim, The Doc, Chakotay & his Girlfriend.

The reason for their life to end is to prevent themselves from realtering their own plans. Meaning,


Say Geordi let them live & do what they want, & Harry succeeded in saving Voyager. But they will not realize it, because their reality will still remain & they'd think they have failed & try again, & by doing so they could be creating more different universes still trying to save Voyager that they already have.

That is why the alterer must die, to prevent themselves from undermining their own actions. & with the other reality in existence, that is how the event keeps repeating it self to save Voyager, Harry's other reality self is what is saving Voyager again & again & again & ...


So for those who wants to alter the timeline, they would have to be prepared to die as well.




"Yesterday's Enterprise"

In this episode, this have proven the continuous existence of another reality when the altered one lives on with their lives, at the ending they saw the a ship (The Enterprise-C) appeared & disappeared, showing that they saw a glimpse of another reality to create the reality they know of & live in.


"Time & Again"

Here have 3 timelines in question,

The 1st one is where a Voyager help destroyed the world

The 2nd the one that a Voyager found the destroyed world & entered to their past & stopped the disaster

The 3rd one is where a Voyager came & saw no destruction that Kes felt.


"Future's End"

Here have 3 timelines too

1st the one where Captain Braxton sees the destruction of the future by Voyager's interference

2nd is the one Braxton tries to destroy Voyager - got suck to the past with Voyager - He explains the situation to Janeway & Chakotay - with the warning they prevent the incident that was suppose to happen

3rd is where things got back to normal the way we know it as normal where another Braxton came to put Voyager back to its normal time 2373 the 21st century businessman died.


"Before and After"

2 timelines only

1st Kes's future as being married to Tom

2nd After Kes stops jumping backwards or forwards & creates a new timeline where she will leave Voyager on "The Gift"

Maybe because of this is what triggered Kes abilities to resurface faster then it should, that's why here she left in The Gift while in the other reality she's still on Voyager.


"Year of Hell"

Who knows how many timelines are there here, but there are 3 Voyagers

1st they came & confronted a tiny ship threatening them

2nd time changed & the tiny ship becomes a battleship

3rd after taking their temporal shields off, Janeway destroyed the Time weapon & died while creating a new reality where Voyagers ok, The Krenim scientist & his wife are alive together.



As shown & explained in the above. 2 timelines

1st Voyager crash & Chakotay & Kim tried to change the timeline with the older Harry Kim & Chakotay dead

2nd Voyager didn't crash & the young Harry Kim got message from another reality Harry Kim 15 years older.



2 timelines

Similar to "Timeless"

1st Voyager took 30 something years or less to get home

2nd Voyager took 7 Years to get home with Admiral Janeway dead



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Ok getting back to topic, Im curious as to how different a timeline could be and still have a enterprise-d with a worf on board during the point in the episode when all those thousands of enterprises appeared.

How about this :

Captain Troi (same as my previous post but this time she was more ambitious and started as tactical before rikers death by armus and Captain Halloways by the borg)

Commander Madred (cardassians lost war against the bajorans decades ago and once they recovered from the bajoran occupation joined the UFP)

Operations officer Lt.Com Rom (the contact with the Ferengi at maxia was peaceful and leads to an alliance, and Quark is killed by a disgruntled customer allowing Rom to get out from under his brothers shadow)

Chief Engineer Lt. Sonya Gomez (she stayed on the Enterprise and was promoted quickly after the 'Borg wars')

Tactical Officer Lt. Chakotay (his father isnt killed, though he still isnt happy about treaty with the Holy Bajoran Empire, he stays in starfleet)

Conn officer Ensign Tom Paris (he emediately admits his fault in the accident in which crewmembers are killed and is only demoted)

Chief Medical Officer Lt. Jean Luc Picard (after being savagely attacked as a young officer by Nausicaans Picard spends the years of recovery reflecting on his life and decides to go to medical school,and when he rejoins starfleet it is as a medical officer)

Ships Counselor Lt. Geordi Laforge (he decided at an early age to help others the way the counselors helped him deal with his blindness)


The Enterprise is transporting Klingon refugees from the Reman occupied territories( the Remans toke control of the Romulan Empire in the early 23rd century and conquered a large portion of the Klingon Empire by the 2340s),when they are attack by Bajoran imperial dreadnoughts,but just as the attack begins the enterprise finds its self transported to a alternate universe and surrounded by other enterprises.

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There is an infinite number of parallel universes, forming the totality that is the Multiverse. I also believe in an infinite number of time-lines, all forming and weaving the web of Total Casuality. There is others, I have theories on... But I shall not speak of them at this time.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" —pg 32 of "1984" written by George Orwell


"It seems you have acquired about you a field that affects the links between multiple worlds to slip into yours...or you to slip into theirs..." --Back Cover of "Parallelities" written by Alan Dean Foster


'The thing about meddling with time is that one moment something is real, the next, it's been erased. Probability becomes just a possibility. Established truth becomes a theoretical falsehood. Like dominoes, as one timeline falls, the others come cascading down around it. You can engineer new timelines, new possibilities but before long, the distinction between what is, what was, what might be and what never can be becomes blurred.

Out of this grow myths, lies and legends. The Doctor was one such legend, but no one knows whether he truly ever existed. Well, not now they don't. The Mighty One, ruling the multiverses from the eternal city of Chronopolis has made sure of that.'--Back Cover of the audio drama, "Doctor Who: Unbound: He Jests at Scars"

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