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Twenty Questions Game 2

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Im sorry about this but if I dont take a guess now someone else will beat me to it.



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Are you the "Stone of Gol"

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<I'm sorry>

Are you some sort of a weapon.



Guess: Are you

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The "Stone of Gol"

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1) No, I am not alive.

2) No, I am not made of metalic elements.

3) No, I am not found on a starship (by definition).

4) Yes, I am man/alien made.

5) Yes, I am composed of solid (non-gaseous) elements.

6) No, I am not made out of plastic or plastic-like materials.

7) Yes, I am light enough to be held in an average human's hand.

8) No, I am not used for entertainment.

9) No, I am not used to satisfy the basic needs of a humanoid (food, medicine, clothing etc).

10) No, I am not a "tool".

11) No, I am not used for time travel.

12) Yes, I am series specific.

13) No, I am not used for research/knowledge such as storing date or taking scientific measurements.

14) Yes, I am an archeaological relic.

15) Yes, I am a weapon.


I am not a photograph or drawing.

I am not a cup or glass.

I am not Daniels's database.

I am not the Horgon.

I am not a tricorder.

I am not Geordi's visor.


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I am an ancient Vulcan relic, used as a weapon during a time of emotional unbalance on my planet. I amplify the violent thoughts of my target, and use them to kill. I am a psionic resonator, also called the Stone of Gol!



Awesome job, Derro; I also have the feeling that UnicornHunter knew it as well. Congratulations to you! :laugh: Darn, I was hoping to drag out my turn a little longer, but you earned it Derro. I pass the torch to you.

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