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New EPA chief

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Good. :lol:


I may be more of a physics / astrophysics person, but I know enough about environmental science to conclude several things.


In Risa I talked about how global warming is only a cycle and how it has been proven. People don't realize the facts or see them. I have talked to people that are in the environmental department and they actually have researched, observed, studied, and have not gotten brainwashed by school books (they did not study books - they studied by observation and looked at the real raw data).


I'm more of a physics / astrophysics person then environmental science person, but I do know plenty of facts about this science. What we are seeing right now is only part of earth's natural cycle.


You don't hear facts like this in the mainstream:

*About 1,000 years ago it was hotter then what it is now

*Parts of Russia that was predict to get hotter actually is getting colder

*Computer models predicted (solely on the idea of what some people thing "global warming" is) is that our temperatures right now would be much hotter (I think it was predicted that it was going to be twice as hot as it is now)

*However, these 'smaller' increases were the result from things like ocean-water absorption. BUT the models still don't account for the full picture.

*Acid rain has now been proven by physicists to be the result from interactions between certain sun-rays (in a certain spectrum) and hydrogen in the atmosphere

*The warming trend stopped for three decades in the middle of the 20th century (and cooling occurred before the cycle kicked in)

*The troposphere has not warmed to any significant degree

*Plants grow FASTER when its environment is more polluted. This means that the carbon cycle makes up for more CO2! That's a big one!

*Dr. Gregg did a test and found something very counterintuitive. She planted a lot of tress in New York City and planted more tress in rural areas. After a while with recordings she found that the city trees grew twice as well (that goes back to my other point). She also then found out that pollution migrated from the city to “hurt” the country trees. By the time ozone is formed by the city pollution the air mass moved out to the rural areas.

This was a post I made in Risa. (However, I edited a few things)



There is so much more I can give.


Want a good example? . . . .CA!

This fire could have been prevented, but people are not allowed (because of environmentalist "wackos") to clear undergrowth. I have seen pictures of places in CA that are somewhat close to populated areas where there's a bunch of dead tress are located. That's a fire waiting to happen.



Maybe this new guy can bring in some common sense



I'm going to have to go for the day

I'll see everyone Friday! (Won't be here Thursday)

Master Q

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