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Power Sources

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I've wondered what kind of power sources the Federation uses on tricorders, phasers etc. Do they have some sort of long term (indefinite battery). . Or is some one in the armory responsible for recharging the weapons. I remember in TOS they talked about draining a phaser. Does everyone plug their PADD into their desk at night?


I've often wished for a long life battery for most of my appliances. I have to reset half a dozen clocks when the power goes off (microwave, vcr etc). I wish they had self contained power units. Not to mention all those cords are a pain.


Am I seriously in need of a life or has anyone else ever thought about this?

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I've allways assumed that the phasers, tricorders, and common hand held tools had a rechargable power source. Kind'a like the perfect rechargable battery. Instead of new "batteries", they pull the used one, put a new one in, and recharge the old one. As for the PADD's, they probably just "obsorb" power from stuff like a local computer.


NOTE: What does PADD stand for?

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Actually, in TOS, they mentioned using dylithium crystals in phasors, tri-corders, etc., as well as powering the ship's operating systems. The engines were powered by matter/anti-matter in a combination that generated enough energy to break the light barrier several times over.


We already have lithium ( a metal) based batteries, which are of the non-rechargable variety. Dylithium crystals seems almost like an oxymoron, similar to military intelligence, since it seems to be like a crystalized metal. I can imagine using a power source similar to that, but I find it highly unlikely.


Generally, a battery operates by a chemical reaction that produces direct current electricity. Unless someone comes along with a better scheme, or discovers something entirely new, we're stuck using the wall outlet to recharge our batteries.

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