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Chat Room - ST-Trivia Session 9

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Star Trek Trivia


Special Halloween ST-Trivia Chat Room Session


halloween-180.jpg's Official Ninth Star Trek Trivia Session Will Be Held 10/25/03 At 4:00 PM (ET).



(What better way to kick off the Week of Halloween then with MQ's Trivia Session?)



I hope to see you then. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions then please post them here.


For More Info Click Here



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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Why always on Saturdays? I'm never able to attend.

It is the best day/time for me, but if you want to suggest another day/time then by all means do.



Master Q

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Don't forget tomorrow at 4:00 PM (et) the trivia session will be held in the chat room. I hope to see you all then!


It is going to be a special Halloween ST-Trivia Session!



Master Q

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The Star Trek Trivia Session in the Chat Room Ended

I hope everyone had a good time

(and I think everyone did -- it was probably one of our best sessions. I wish more of the regulars would have showed up because they would have enjoyed it)



Questions / Answers



Q1: On the episode "Sub Rosa" - ________ was supposedly believed to be the Howard family ghost. [Fill in the blank. What is his name?]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Ronin



Q2: What is the term on Earth [in the ST universe] used to refer to people that lived in the Sanctuary District whom did not integrate well into their environment?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Ghost



Q3: One popular treat on Halloween is a Taffy-Apple. On the DS9 Station some Bajorans sell something that is made from the sap of a tree. What is this item called?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Jumja



Q4: What do you think Jumja is referred to by the production staff of ST-DS9? [Take a guess. If need I'll give some hints]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Glop-on-a-stick



Q5: October ___[#]___ is Halloween. [Fill in the blank]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: October 31 is Halloween



Wheel . . . . . of . . . . . Fortune!

Guess to what you think the puzzle says (Do not guess letters. Just guess what the phrase may be. If needed I will give hints)

Q6: _ r _ _ k / _ r / _ r _ _ _


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Trick or Treat



Q7: True or False ~ Quark was married to a Klingon.


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: True



Q8: Data played who's role in a Q fantasy on the episode "QPid"?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Friar Tuck



Q9: Who played the role of Little John on "QPid"?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Riker



Q10: What year did VOY premiere on UPN?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 1995



Q11: Is the # 11 a composite, prime, or neither?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Prime (No factors besides 11 and 1)



Wheel . . . . . of . . . . . Fortune!

Q12: _ r a _ _ e _ _ s _ e i _


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Frankenstein



Q13: ________ comes from an 18th century Irish folk tale about a miserly drunkard named Jack who is said to have trapped the Devil in the branches of an apple tree


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Jack-O-Lanterns



Q14: Give me a unique example (and one that is done by -you-) of a palindrome.


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: (answer varies) example answer A: 36263. example answer B: pop.



Q15: Which 2 characters from a children's novel did McCoy see in "Shore Leave"? AND what is the name of the novel?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Alice and the White Rabbit from "Alice in Wonderland"



Q16: What class of starship is Voyager?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Intrepid



Q17: What temperature do books burn? [if you don't know, then take a guess.]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 451 F



Q18: Who played Watson in Data's Holmes program on the holodeck? [Full Name!]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Geordi La Forge



Q19: ________ comes from Romanian legends about spirits or demons that left their graves at night to seek and enslave human victims


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Vampire



Q20: The art or exercise of magical powers - - Describe that in one word (that given description is basically the definition to a certain word)


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: witchcraft



Q21: . . . . . What story did I refer to? [famous Salem witchcraft trial]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: "The Crucible"



Q22: Who is the author of "The Crucible"?


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Arthur Miller



On a pervious trivia session I asked some question that was about David Letterman. This question was a fill in the blank. It was a top ten . . .

Q23: "Top Ten Awards Won By Me, Dave Letterman" What was "# 6"? [Think Halloween! And think about the previous sessions! If needed I’ll give hints]


Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Best *Klingon* Costume, 1993 Star Trek convection




Master Q

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Points Made



Winner - ensign_beedrill

Second Place - spacetigger




+21 points



+12 points



+8 points



+6 points



+4 points



Note: Points will be included into your total net score before Saturday


Did you guys like the session?

(And if you have any suggestions or ideas for the next session, then I would love to hear them)



Master Q

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Yeah, I enjoyed it, too, I love answering questions :lol: .

I'll try to attend on trivia sessions as often as I can (sometimes it's just not possible because of the very different time zone I'm living in).



Mrs. Captain Picard

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Thank you. I enjoyed the session too. It was probably one of the best sessions.

I'm not 100% sure when the next session will be, but I'm thinking about 11/15.



Master Q

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