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Command Structure...does anyone know

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Okay, I have a question. The leader of the MACO's is a Major (the Army/Air Force equivalent of a Naval Lt. Cmdr.) but he's taking orders from the lower ranked Lt. Reed? Is this typical in joint operations?


Can some of you former service men and women answer?

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It wouldn't be unusual for a lower ranking person to be in command of a larger element (Like Ships security) that has other smaller elements attached to it. The smaller element (MACO) would have it's own commanders but they still have to answer to the "higher headquarters".


This would be my explanation, though I wouldn't be surprised to see it as a mistake by the writers.

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Since Starfleet is a futuristic space/military program, like a hybrid of NASA and the U.S. Navy, it seems to me like they'd be supperior to the military. Anywho, I think that the MACO's answer to Lt. Reed becuase they're there to serve the ENT crew, thus MACO's answer to the ENT crew members. Just my opinion though.

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Yes VBG I agree. When I was a lowly E-1 (Navy) there was a watch I would stand guarding the Quarterdeck (place of entry to the ship) I had a .45 and authorization to shoot anyone who tried to enter the ship without following the proper protocols, even the Captain. Fortunately that never happened but the point is lower ranking crewmembers can at times have positions when their authority exceeds that of higher ranking personel. I believe this is the case with Reed and the Maco.

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Yes VBG I agree. When I was a lowly E-1 (Navy) there was a watch I would stand guarding the Quarterdeck (place of entry to the ship) I had a .45 and authorization to shoot anyone who tried to enter the ship without following the proper protocols, even the Captain. Fortunately that never happened but the point is lower ranking crewmembers can at times have positions when their authority exceeds that of higher ranking personel. I believe this is the case with Reed and the Maco.

Yes, I think all military or ex-military have experienced this. There were times that I too as an E-1 or E-2 would have officers "answering" to me because I was on Guard duty, or because they were trying to enter my area of operation without knowing the proper password.


One time in Basic Training a Drill Sgt. was attempting to break through our lines, he had a gas mask on to conceal his face and refused to stop or respond to our attempts at gaining the password from him. We jumped him, threw him to the ground and "hog tied" him. Our Drill Sgt was VERY happy with our reaction to this other Drill Sgt's attempt to infiltrate.


So while Rank matters, it also matters who is placed in command. And the commander isn't always determined by the highest ranking person. So as a Lt. I have been put in command of all security matters, 6 months down the road a special squad of commandos are assigned to my command. This squad of commandos has a commander that is of higher rank then me but he has been assigned to my command. Therefore I am his commander, yet he out ranks me.

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Archer is the captain of the ship. All Enterprise (starfleet) crew members follow his orders through the chain of command. Archer looks to Lt. Reed for security because Reed, like Archer is a part of Starfleet. Acher does not look to the senior MACO because they are not a part of Starfleet or his actual crew. The MACO's are their to facilitate the decisions made by the Captain. Those decisions travel to Reed (security issues go directly from Archer to Reed) From there, Reed may enlist the help of the MACO's as a form of resource to accomplish Archer's directives.

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I think it might be the same idea as O'Brien. He was an NCO and he had to refer to Nog as sir and he was only in the academy. So I think that the MACOs answer to all Starfleet personnel but specifically Reed because they're in his department.

Edited by Jack_Bauer

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As I recall from the Xindi, the MACOs also had to stand when Hoshi came to their table and referred to her as Sir. I think it might be the same idea as O'Brien. He was an NCO and he had to refer to Nog as sir and he was only in the academy. So I think that the MACOs answer to all Starfleet personnel but specifically Reed because they're in his department.

Most of the MACOs at the table were enlisted so any officer rank would require that they do that, I think the only officer at the table (other then Hoshi) was the Major. The standing up part was likely just a courtesy.


In the Army the only time we had to stand in the Mess hall for a higher ranking officer was if a General or some other hi rank came in and someone called the room to attention. I don't ever recall having to stand when my captain or Colonel came to the table I was at. That could also be because I was pretty familiar with all of the higher officers in my unit. Almost like being on a "First Name Basis" kind of thing. First names aren't used in the Army (Rarely anyway) but when they would speak to me they never used my rank, they just called me "Rich" which is an abbreviation from my last name. Sometimes they even called me "Richey Rich" lol That would always impress my friends from other units too, to have the Colonel walk by and everyone is at attention saluting and he says "Richey Rich how's it going today?" Of course the response would be respectful of his rank but when he was gone they would shake their heads at having the upper ranks acting familiar with me lol


Sorry that was a tad off topic, but it just came to mind and I had to relive it by telling it :bow:

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