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What Does Your Work Space Say About You?

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What Your Workspace Says About You


You are generally fairly organized, but you have occasional slip ups. You find keeping organized challenging.


You tend to work at your own pace.


You are proud of your life, and you want your co-workers to know how great it is. You're not afraid of some subtle bragging.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.

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What Your Workspace Says About You


You are not organized in the least. Everything in your life pretty much survives of chaos.




You tend to work at your own pace. If this means things don't




You feel like you neglect your family and friends when you're working. You may work a bit too much.




You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.




At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.

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What Your Workspace Says About You

You are not organized in the least. Everything in your life pretty much survives of chaos.


You tend to work at your own pace. If this means things don't


You enjoy your job and don't feel guilty about how much time you spend working. You have a good balance between work and your personal life.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.




If this means things don't... what?

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You are not organized in the least. Everything in your life pretty much survives of chaos.


You are hardworking and driven. You have an excellent work ethic.


You enjoy your job and don't feel guilty about how much time you spend working. You have a good balance between work and your personal life.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.

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What Your Workspace Says About You


You are generally fairly organized, but you have occasional slip ups. You find keeping organized challenging.


You are hardworking and driven. You have an excellent work ethic.


You enjoy your job and don't feel guilty about how much time you spend working. You have a good balance between work and your personal life.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.

What Does Your Work Space Say About You?

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You are generally fairly organized, but you have occasional slip ups. You find keeping organized challenging.


You are hardworking and driven. You have an excellent work ethic.


You enjoy your job and don't feel guilty about how much time you spend working. You have a good balance between work and your personal life.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you tend to be an extrovert. You enjoy working with other people and drawing people into your work space.

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What Your Workspace Says About You

You are generally fairly organized, but you have occasional slip ups. You find keeping organized challenging.


You tend to work at your own pace. If this means things don't


You feel like you neglect your family and friends when you're working. You may work a bit too much.


You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.


At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.

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