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Romance in Star Trek

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There has been a lot of talk about whether there will be some romance in Enterprise involving T'Pol. I'm pretty sure that won't happen. That doesn't mean there won't be some sexual coupling or more steamy decon chamber scenes - but I'm convinced there won't be any romance. I don't think ENT writers understand the concept. I've always thought this but sort of clarified my ideas this morning watching a VOY episode "Someone to Watch Over Me"


First of all, I always thougth Robert Picardo was too underrated; I thought he was terrific in this episode which left me misty eyed by the way. I could feel his pain; even Tom felt it. I have found ENT's forays into attraction to be shallow and hormonal as opposed to genuine and emotional in comparison.

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The distinction you are making seems like the "writing not of the heart, but of the glands" that William Faulkner warned about.


I know the topic is romance, but I have to say that one of the things that endears Star Trek to me is the way they expose a character's heartfelt emotion, causing the viewer to truly care about what the character is going through. I always cared about Ben Sisko as a character because I knew in the midst of the all his carrying on was the pain of the loss of Jennifer. He seemed real.


One of my favorite moments is when Data's daughter (Lau?) tells him " I love you father." Data cannot respond in kind, and she says she will feel it for both of them. After she "passes", Data downloads her memeories into himself, saying that he did so because she so enriched his life. With no emotion chip Data gives such a completely human response to loss of a loved one --holding onto a piece of her. If there was no emotion there, why did not the logial Data just analyze and solve the problem and build another, "better" one, storing her memories in one of the ship's computers?


But overall each series has taken the time needed to develop the relationships among the crew, so that they were well known to one another as well as the audience. I like the way Janeway and Chakotay were held back from crossing that line into romance early in the Voyager series (Remember Chakotay's story about the womam warrior?), yet developed deeply as friends and colleagues who were able to disagree and maintain the relationship. I hope Enterprise chooses to follow Star Trek tradition and not rush into the shallow relationships you express concern about.

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