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Sheriff: Ban New Deputies From Smoking

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Sheriff: Ban New Deputies From Smoking


Posted: 2007-11-20 21:21:31

DELAND, Fla. (AP) - The Volusia sheriff has a new idea on how to keep deputies fit: Ban them from smoking.


Sheriff Ben Johnson proposed barring new hires from lighting up while on the job or at home. Johnson said it's important for his deputies to be in good shape for their physically demanding jobs. He is also proposing routine physical fitness tests.


Union representative Jeff Candage says the level of personal intrusion is disturbing and wonders how the agency would enforce the policy.


Information from: Orlando Sentinel,


I can understand banning smoking on the job, but how the heck can you order someone to not smoke in their own home? There is no way to enforce that!

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I can see the point about keeping in good physical health - since law enforcement is a job that requires physical ability and stamina.


But then what about drinking or eating fried foods etc etc. By the way, this isn't the first company to refuse to hire employees that smoked. I guess you'd enforce it with random drug tests.

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