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Cheney And Obama Are Distant Cousins

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Cheney and Obama Are Distant Cousins


Posted: 2007-10-17 10:25:30

Filed Under: Politics News

WASHINGTON (Oct. 16) - Though they may spar across the political aisle, Vice President Dick Cheney is close enough to Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama to call him "cousin."


Eighth cousin, that is.


Lynne Cheney, the vice president's wife, revealed this tantalizing bit of political trivia during a television interview Tuesday.


She said she uncovered the long-ago ties between the two while researching her ancestry for her latest book, "Blue Skies, No Fences," a memoir about growing up in Wyoming.


"This is such an amazing American story that one ancestor ... could be responsible down the family lines for lives that have taken such different and varied paths as Dick's and Barack Obama," Lynne Cheney told MSNBC.


According to her spokeswoman, Sen. Obama, D-Ill., is a descendent of Mareen Duvall. This French Huguenot's son married the granddaughter of a Richard Cheney, who arrived in Maryland in the late 1650's from England, said Ginny Justice, a spokeswoman for Lynne Cheney.


The vice president's full name is Richard B. Cheney.


A spokesman for Obama, who wants to be the first black U.S. president, offered a tongue-in-cheek response. "Every family has a black sheep," said spokesman Bill Burton.


Lynne Cheney did not reference the ancestral ties between her husband and Obama in the book.


NOw THATS funny!..... :)

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Obama's comment was funny - but them being cousins isn't as fantastical as you may think.


If you go back eight generations of ancestors you would have 256 gggggg- grandparents. If each of those couples had an average of 5 kids for the next 5 generations and then start decreasing the average by one each generation - you would have 1,920,000 8th cousins. There's a pretty good chance one of them might be famous.


Most families prior to the mid 20th century had a lot more than 5 children and while some people died young - the surviving spouse usually remarried and had children with that spouse - so you have a lot of cousins out there.


Some of us could even be related. :)

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Obama's comment was funny - but them being cousins isn't as fantastical as you may think.


If you go back eight generations of ancestors you would have 256 gggggg- grandparents. If each of those couples had an average of 5 kids for the next 5 generations and then start decreasing the average by one each generation - you would have 1,920,000 8th cousins. There's a pretty good chance one of them might be famous.


Most families prior to the mid 20th century had a lot more than 5 children and while some people died young - the surviving spouse usually remarried and had children with that spouse - so you have a lot of cousins out there.


Some of us could even be related. :)


Does that mean I can borrow money from you then?

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This is not the first time something like this has happened.


Bush and Powell are distant relatives (and related to the Queen of England)


Strom Thurmond's family once owned Al Sharpton's family and there was some speculation they might be related as well.

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I'm sure Obama is thrilled.

I'm sure Cheney isn't turning cartwheels over it either.


Naturally, since I doubt his heart could take it.

Lets hope he doesn't take his newfound cousin on a hunting trip..... :)

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You are correct, TUH. Go far enough back and many people are related to each other.


Wait... That can't mean I'm related to Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, can it? :)


Although it could be worse. We could all be realted to Hitler and Musolini. :)

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According to the Mitochondrial Eve theory - ie the Discovery Channel Eve - not the Biblical Eve - all living humans have a common female ancestor at about 140,000 years ago. She's not our only common ancestor - but you can read the science - she's a mitochondrial matrilineal ancestor.


This ties in with the Out of Theory - that humans originated in Africa and moved out from there.


We're even related to those people who make Kor's Einstein of the Week thread. :msn-cry:

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Actually you move in with relatives mooching off them and using the bathroom all night long so they can not get any sleep. Or you fight with your wife (loudly) because she will not be intimate with you because she is afraid that will wake up said relatives.

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