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Man Keeps Drinking Beer During Arrest

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Man Keeps Drinking Beer During Arrest


MANCHESTER, N.H. (Dec. 26) - Police say a man they pulled over for driving drunk continued to swig his beer during his arrest. Patrick Allain, 35, faces numerous charges after his arrest Monday night, the fourth time he's been arrested for driving while intoxicated. Police say he hit two other cars and initially refused to stop when officers tried to pull him over.


When he finally stopped, Allain allegedly continued to drink a 40-ounce bottle of beer, telling officers, "You can charge me with whatever you want. It's not going to stop me from drinking and driving."


Now HERE's a guy who REALLY likes his beer!

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This man should listen to families who lost loved ones during DUI. If not sent to jail for many years. People like him are worse than a loaded gun on the dinner room table.

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I agree with Odie. He should definitely be locked up imo, but he should also be ordered to meet with a whole series of parents and family members wh have lost their loved ones to drunk drivers. If he continues to drink and drive after that - then lock him up and throw away the keys.

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This guy isn't just a drunk - he has a blatant disregard for life - he should permanently lose his license after he does some jail time.


This is definitely a case for those vehicles that have breathalyzers attached so they won't start if the person is drunk.


IMO, they need a gene therapy treatment for perpetual abusers that makes people extremely nauseaus if they drink -

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