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Sam The Smuggler

Name Tags At My Sister's Highschool

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Ok, she's gonna be a Freshmen this year.


Starting This Year, They Have To Wear Freakin' name tags.



Every Year The Rules Got More Strict and ridiculous


I can still remember my first Year Now....I can't Imagine how screwed up her Senior year will be :rolleyes:



What Are your throught?

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my brother, wookieofborg, has to carry around a picture ID. It is crazy I had a photo ID, but we did not have to WEAR it! uggghhh, worst we had to deal with is getting our planner signed to leave the classroom(yes especially to go to the bathroom)

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I thought it was bad enough when they made it a damn rule to Tuck Our Shirt In.


Tucking My Shirt In Doesn't Bother Me In and of itself....But Making That A Rule??!!


I'm Glad I Never Had To Deal With This Name Tag Stuff.



We did however need Leave Passes with our assigned Leave Time On it To Leave Early, say if we Have Study Hall Last period.

Which I didn't mind, it's understandable.

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My school was a very small school It ranged in grades from K-4 through 12th grade.


In fact, there were only 9 members of my Graduating class (in 1987). Our uniforms were Brown pants and either a yellow or white shirt.


Girls also had to wear a white or yellow shirt but were required to wear a Brown or plaid skirt. On Gym days they could wear pants.


Tennis shoes were permitted only on Gym or special days.

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Nametags! :lol: :rolleyes: That leads me to a better understanding of why Jesus said not to cry for him but for the children, every generation faces a new level of strange.


On a happier note I went to Enterprise High School, eat your heart out Geordie! :lol:




There were no such things as dress codes that was not ever an issue, there were ID's but they served functions other than telling if you were a terrorist in disguise.

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My school was a very small school It ranged in grades from K-4 through 12th grade.


In fact, there were only 9 members of my Graduating class (in 1987). Our uniforms were Brown pants and either a yellow or white shirt.


Girls also had to wear a white or yellow shirt but were required to wear a Brown or plaid skirt. On Gym days they could wear pants.


Tennis shoes were permitted only on Gym or special days.

Brown pants and yellow shirts? :o They tortured you with aweful colored uniforms! :blink: Poor VBG! :lol:


Anywho, the rules were very lax at my school. Too lax, if you ask me. You could go to school with big boots, bagg jeans fall'n off your butt, an insanely long wallet chain, freaky manson shirts, face piercings, blue hair, and so on... and the kids got away with it, becuase they were "expressing" them selves. They tried to ban Manson shirts, then the kids who wear them turned arround and brought waves, signed by their parents, from hom, demanding that they be allowed to "express" them selves, so that didn't work at all. It was only a good 30 or so kids who dressed like this, but the fact that they got away with it made me sick. The bogus rules were all centerred arround lockers. They had it set up to where they could search the school lockers at random, and there was nothing you could do about it. If you had your lock on when they were doing random searches and they picked your locker, they'd just cut it off. It was becuase of this, I carried my entire locker contents in my backpack from that point forth. I developed minor back problems durring that time, but they wore off when I left that freak'n school once and for all in favor of home schooling.


I agree with locker checks, but only if they have reason. I agree with school uniforms, depending on the school. I agree with a dress code, but going as far as making you tuck in your shirt? Sigh... Then there's the whole School ID thing. Before I switched to home schooling, no one had to have ID. You just came to school in your street clothes with your backpack, and that was that.

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It was only a good 30 or so kids who dressed like this, but the fact that they got away with it made me sick.



Hey, That Was The Group I Was In At My Highschool :blink:


But I didn't Have any Manson shirts ....but I did have a Rob Zombie Shirt and KMFDM Shirt :devil:

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While you're complaining about how ridiculous you find all this - remember the central issue is safety. We don't live in a safe world anymore - - with memories of Columbine and other attempts schools are cracking down on any possible security issue which means indentifying every one onsite. And it's not just schools - security is high at a lot of places that used not to bother with it.


The other day we had a guy at work - stand up - tell us all to have a nice life that his boss was crazy and he was leaving. After the initial shock my first thought was "Gee, I hope they're cancelling his security code" which I've heard happened pretty quickly.


Are badges, passes, etc inconvenient? Yes. Is it worth it if it prevents violence? Some people think so.

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We don't live in a safe world anymore


I never believed we did. :blink:



I just don't see how a simple name tag will help anything.. :lol:

In theory it identifies you as a person who has a legitimate right to be there. Also, it has the benefit if letting school personnel know who you are if you are somewhere you shouldn't be and might want to give a false name.

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The other day we had a guy at work - stand up - tell us all to have a nice life that his boss was crazy and he was leaving.  After the initial shock my first thought was "Gee, I hope they're cancelling his security code" which I've heard happened pretty quickly.

Why, did you think he was going to come back and shoot everyone? :blink:

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Why, did you think he was going to come back and shoot everyone? :blink:

Actually, I considered it a possibilty - he was upset

I find this stereotyping to be extremely offensive. I have a temper like a vicous dog. Doesn't mean I'd shoot people. You know, it's that attitude that destroyed my high school education.

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Why, did you think he was going to come back and shoot everyone? :lol:

Actually, I considered it a possibilty - he was upset

I find this stereotyping to be extremely offensive. I have a temper like a vicous dog. Doesn't mean I'd shoot people. You know, it's that attitude that destroyed my high school education.

I agree. When someone gets Really Upset, I don't think "Uh Oh, He's Gonna Shoot Us."



Hell, I go Insanely Mad Too when I get Upset.



In High School, I actually was Stereotyped as the kind that would shoot everyone.


That Pissed Me Off Alot...but I didn't do anything...I'm not saying I'm completely mentaly Stable....But I was alright.



And also...when my Little Brother was in Junior High, something like that happened to him.


Not gonna talk much anout it cause it Makes Me Extremely Unpleasant when I think about it, but lets just say that everyone just about at the school was scared of him.


Now He's Been In Basic Traing For The Army For About A Month :blink:

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I find this stereotyping to be extremely offensive.  I have a temper like a vicous dog.  Doesn't mean I'd shoot people.  You know, it's that attitude that destroyed my high school education.

With all due respect CJLP, Maybe it was your temper that destroyed your high school education. I fear that if you insist on taking offense at every attitude and opinion people express you're going to be offended a lot.


When presented with unknown circumstances it is always best to err on the side of caution. I never said this guy was violent - he wasn't (you chose to make that assumption)- his behavior was unusual for him. That's a signal to look for.


If you want to have a violent temper that's your choice but with choices come consequences - and for you the consequence is how people react to anger. People react to angry tempers with fear and avoidance. You can keep your temper and accept those consequences or you can change your behavior and get consequences you like better. Totally your choice.


edited for sentence structure

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I find this stereotyping to be extremely offensive.  I have a temper like a vicous dog.  Doesn't mean I'd shoot people.  You know, it's that attitude that destroyed my high school education.

With all due respect CJLP, Maybe it was your temper that destroyed your high school education. I fear that if you insist on taking offense at every attitude and opinion people express you're going to be offended a lot.


When presented with unknown circumstances it is always best to err on the side of caution. I never said this guy was violent - he wasn't (you chose to make that assumption)- his behavior was unusual for him. That's a signal to look for.


If you want to have a violent temper that's your choice but with choices come consequences - and for you the consequence is how people react to anger. People react to angry tempers with fear and avoidance. You can keep your temper and accept those consequences or you can change your behavior and get consequences you like better. Totally your choice.


edited for sentence structure

I don't want to go into details as it was a very traumatising experrience, but it had nothing to do with my temper, and everything to do with the school.


My temper is not at all violent, nor did I say it was. You made that up.


Having a temper is not unusual. It is a natural emotion. Some people simply have volatile tempers, and again, this is completely natural. That is in no way, shape, or form, a sign of anything more than being ticked off with his job. If you thought, "Gee, he might come back and shoot us," then there had to be further varriables that you left out.


Again, since I never said I have a violent temper, your last paragraph is irrellivant.

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Having a temper is not unusual.  It is a natural emotion.  Some people simply have volatile tempers, and again, this is completely natural.

You've obviously had some bad experiences that I know nothing about and I'm sorry that has happened to you.


However, you said you had the temper of "a viscious dog" - that's not an appealing analogy. You can change your temper if you want. If you don't want to that's your choice. But it is a choice.

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Temper of a vicious dog - This means it's easy for me to loose my temper and yell at the person, pound my fists on a fixed object like a tree, desk, that sort of thing, some times, I just have to walk it off. However, I never loose control beyond yelling at a person, which is rare. Normally I just pound my fists in anger. I find that to be an effective anger release. :blink:

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Well I will try to get back to the original topic.What was it agian.Oh yeah.I think with the nametags it all depends.We had to were them to for the first week so all the teachers could get used to our names which i completely understand.We have to carry some sort of photo ID but its mainly used to get a dollar or so off at football games and other events.Also we have to sign a paper when we leave the classroom which i dont mind either.The only thing I dont like at our school is that we now have survailence cameras up all around our school.



As far as CJLP and THU debate goes i think i would have to agree with THU about the guy at her work.After all havent you heard about all the postal shootings?Why do you think they have the expression "going postal"?


With all due respect CJLP, Maybe it was your temper that destroyed your high school education. I fear that if you insist on taking offense at every attitude and opinion people express you're going to be offended a lot.


Yeh you seem to do that alot.Every little opinion people give you have to pop off with something about how it offends you or that is isnt right or whatever and frankly that pisses me off(Excuse my language)

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Hmm, we made need to split the Thread here, but I'll go ahead and say this here.


You can change your temper if you want. If you don't want to that's your choice. But it is a choice.



I know you weren't talking to me, but I wish to comment on this.


I wish I could Just change my temper. I really do. But it's not that simple..atleats not IMO.


I don't like my temper. It's gotten me in troule alot as a child and I've even hurt people. What makes me mad, makes me mad. I have been able to keep it under more control over the years.....But I can't just say "I Think I'll Change some of my DNA Traits"

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Though I do believe that name tags are stupid, I do belive that thing like what I had to and my brother has to do is okay. We had to carry around a picture i.d. like the college for reasons of the library and hall passes. Well, that way, the hall monitors would know if we were the ones who owned the planners that we used for a hall pass. My brother carries his around at the same school I did, but I don't know the details of that setup.

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Personally I feel that name tags, while of help during the first week of school, would not be beneficial to the students growth and development afterward because of awkward last names that allow some students to have fuel for name calling.

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I was very fortunate. We didn't have uniforms, nametags or anything else. We were allowed to come and go and dress as freely we pleased. But then I attended a performing arts high school and we were all pretty free thinkers. LOL

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Name tags?  Wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about this?






I belive there was.hmmmm ill have to go back and look.

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