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Welcome To STARTREKFANS.NET: DreamRedeemer

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Hello DreamRedeemer,


Welcome to STARTREKFANS.NET! I'm Vic, the Artificial Intelligence here. What's your favorite Star Trek series? How about your favorite Star Trek movie?


Please feel free to browse around and be sure to post some to get to know everyone! If you have any questions be sure to PM or email one of the board's Admins or Mods.


DreamRedeemer Registered: Today, 07:37 PM

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Why Thank You VIC, For I Am Glad To Be Here!


Yes, I was just posting at another site, and thought hey, why not find a nice Star Trek Forum, and post the idea, as well as any others that I may get, for I may not be a fanatical, but I sure am in AWE of Gene Roddenburry's STAR TREK!


To Answer Your Question As To Episodes & Movies:


The Next Generation - For it is MY classic, being it is the one I first started watching.


Voyager - Because, well, it's just simply AMAZING.


Star Trek IV, First Contact, are my TOP FAVORITE MOVIES but I like the other TNG ones as well.








Being that I don't watch much television, feeling that it just isn't worth my time for the most part, I was very pleasantly surprised when four TV Shows were recently introduced:










It's funny, I actually thought that perhaps the Television Networks had been improving upon their Executive-CEO-type-decisions, but now I hear that two of those four shows have now been cancelled.


AH-HUM, Let me guess, they were too expensive to produce, and the writer's out-did themselves on the First Seasons, and had nothing left for any following Seasons, or it was just more bad decision making, of the Head Honcho's, who more-than-likely, got their job based on who they knew, and NOT what they know about the business, etc.


Oh well, I suppose that I shall soon stop watching TV again, altogether, except for the occasional re-runs of some of my favorite shows of yesteryear, that have also gone by the way-side.




Why, exactly, can't older shows be brought back, with a new and modern twist, that include MANY of the original actors, and whatever Newbies are needed. Like....


STAR TREK: "The New Crew"


Star Fleet needs to REALLY get tactical in ways they never dreamed of before, because the threat of the BORG has never been more immenient, especially with other Species like the Romulans, or those even more dangerous than the Borg, from yet another Galaxy unheard of, always trying to rid the Alpha Quandrant of Star Fleet Influence, better advancing their own selfish motivations for domination.


This new STAR TREK episode, could be one of developing technically-superior tactical weapson, ship-armour, weapons, and strategies of beating out the enemy, along with finding new alliances, with the efforts reaching out to further employ, anyone and everyone still alive during this emergence of ALL the Star Treks, except "Enterprise," into this new one show, for anyone interested.


I, myself, would love to see Captain Picard, Worf, Data, Jordi, Deana, William, Captain Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Belana, Seven-of-Nine, Tom, Harry, and of course that extremely sarcastic and witty Emergency Doctor, not too mention anyone else from the Original Star Trek, or Deep Space Nine -- all getting back together, to carry on Gene Roddenbury's Star Trek LEGACY, that is as much for the FANS as it is for the HUGE RATINGS!

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Welcome aboard DreamRedeemer! Glad to see your post, keep it up! :laugh::clap::clap: :borgqueen: :laugh:


I was a Commander in Chief fan and was annoyed when that was cancelled.


Interesting idea, the new Crew, though it might be cost prohibitive, versus using established Trek characters as guest stars and occasional recurring characters (as Q was used)

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