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Yillara Skye

I am soon to be free of pain!

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Over a few months at the end of last year I would occasionally have minor to major toothache/jaw aches that would last a couple hours to maybe a day or two. I was dreading going to a dentist because I had a feeling that it would end up meaning oral surgery... and when I was a teen they had told me it was going to cost $10000+ to have my 4 wisdom teeth removed. I am going to be paying off my week long hospitalization for Pancreatitis and my gall bladder surgery for a long, long long long time (insurance that I have paid almost NOTHING into it, and though the hospital did help alleviate some of the strain it is still a big bill)... and I desperately did not want to have to add to it.



Well, after my gall bladder surgery in January, the tooth/jaw pain almost completely vanished. Yeah I could see/feel damage done to my teeth (even though I take really careful care of my teeth) but the pain was completely vanished.


Fast forward to 4 days ago, the pain came back with a vengeance! Jaw inflammed, teeth hurting so bad that even with 85% Eugenol (clove oil) and ibuprofin it did not help much. Only about an hour and a half sleep over the last two days, and not eating much. I could not stand it anymore. My mom helped me call dentists around town and none seemed to want to help, kept saying they were booked solid, closing early, could not take my insurance, and ultimately saying that since it was a wisdom tooth they needed to do surgery.


I called a well known place in Jacksonville, well known because you hear their adds all the time on the radio, and they said they'd see me soon. Well I get ready to go, and they call me back saying they cant take my insurance.. but I said I would come anyway, since I saw they do payment plans for people w/o insurance. Well, I get up there and the lady said she figured I had cancelled and she had given my appointment away. Upset and very sore, and starting to feel hopeless I walked out of the office and leaned against the wall getting ready to call home and tell my parents the bad news. My brother (Beware of BAKKE), calmly stormed back in and firmly explained the situation where we are from and that I needed urgent care. He went on to demand number of a dental office in JAX, which they finally gave them.


I called them up, and they agreed to see me and gave me a price that was music to my financially strained ears.


Once there, they did x-rays and suggested that the other three needed to go too.. and the price was still pretty darned good for this type of deal. These people were MAGNIFICENT! They were kind, caring, warm people who did not even bat an eyelash at how bad one tooth looked.


Why this is in PARTY LOCO you might ask???



I am numb, mouth packed in gauze ,and soon to be pretty sore I am sure........... BUT I AM NOW FINALLY WISDOM TEETH FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :) :biggrin: :)



My jaw is rather small, and I really had no place for these teeth and when they did force their way in they caused my already close set teeth to crowd a bit more.

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I know how it is, I had two of my top wisdom taken out in 2001. It wasn't any fun and it really does hurt when your wisdom teeth are crowding your mouth. Glad you finally had them taken out!

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Thanks, guys :biggrin:


Well, except for a bit of an upset stomach early on this morning(from the draining of the sockets & the last bit of bleeding) I am doing pretty darned good for having them removed yesterday afternoon. I went to work, and ended up working my normal shift.


I hate the whole soft food for two days stuff, but I know why it is done. I am somebody who cant really live off of just soft foods, a ton of foods I like are a bit more solid. LOL, oh well, I just have to make it to 1pm tomorrow on that diet then I can try eating normal stuff again. It is just that I cannot touch Sierra Mist for one more day beyond that (no carbonated beverages for 3 days after having them removed)

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Get milkshakes. Eat them with a spoon though. And make sure you get someone to videotape you trying to eat with a spoon. :biggrin:




Oh wait, the novocaine's worn off by now. Rats.



Well, just take your prescription pain killers on schedule.

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Oh wait, the novocaine's worn off by now. Rats.



Yeah, it has.



Well, things are going pretty darned good now especially since I now have been on the antibiotics (which they had forgotten to give me the script to :laugh: ) for the last couple days.

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I've had teeth out. I've got my dad's teeth and my mum's small jaw. I had to have braces too, my front tooth used to rest on my lip (eww ugly!). I've got my wisdom teeth just starting to cut through. Are they really that painful? I bet I'll have to get mine removed.


I'm glad you're pain free! :laugh::b-day::elephant::elephant:

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I've had teeth out. I've got my dad's teeth


You better give your Dad's teeth back to him!!

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I've had teeth out. I've got my dad's teeth and my mum's small jaw. I had to have braces too, my front tooth used to rest on my lip (eww ugly!). I've got my wisdom teeth just starting to cut through. Are they really that painful? I bet I'll have to get mine removed.


I'm glad you're pain free! :laugh::laugh::elephant::elephant:

Thanks Cara :b-day:



Actually there are many times when wisdom teeth do not hurt, but back when I was 17 and they were just starting to come in the dentist had warned me that they may become impacted and should be removed. But I really did not have the funds at the time to get all 4 of them removed surgically.


Every month or so my jaw would ache from mildly to really bad until they came in, and then the new problem sprang up: there was really not enough space at all for them to be in, they started blocking my ability to close my jaw in its entirety. Because of all the times I could not hold food down due to the gall bladder problems, it did some major damage to all four wisdom teeth (they had begun to crack prior to the g.b. attacks). And because of all this, plus food getting caught in them it led to all four being infected from almost non existant infection to violent. I did my very best to keep my teeth as clean as possible, but it never failed I would get some little bit of food that would get stuck.


After my teeth were removed the pain went almost entirely away, then I got the antibiotics they forgot to prescribe and the pain went away within 24 hours. It has been almost two months, and so far so good. I do not know if my front teeth on the top will ever be able to touch the ones on the bottom (they did throughout my life until my late teens - early 20's), but I will have to wait and see.


Wisdom teeth, like all other teeth cause soreness when they come in. But, since you too have a small jaw, keep an eye out for pain that gets to be a bit too much or headaches that go with the jaw pain. And your dentist should be able to let you know if you suddenly need to have them removed. In my case, I kept just trying to tough through the pain because it usually would end in a day or two. I finally gave up when I lost sleep for a couple days & could not eat or drink comfortably.

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