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Little Angels Little Devils

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Surrealism- An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as a source of creativity to liberate pictorial subjects and ideas. Surrealist paintings often depict unexpected or irrational objects in an atmosphere of fantasy, creating a dreamlike scenario.


Serrealists loved exploring with child play- they believed children has a mind of their own and are not adults, in fact alien animals. Humans walk, talk, and eat. Children, when they are born, are taught how to become a human in terms of walking, talking, and basically how to live. They believed children were born in Sin and are unnatural to the human race. They were born as Angels and become Devils.


Childhood is a wonderful experience, but as soon as they become older they are discouraged to behave in such a manner. Have you noticed that children are given soldiers, action figures, etc and encouraged to play, but if they repeat these actions as adults they are thought as childish?


It was something mentioned by my lecturer today, I was wondering if anyone agrees/ disagrees. Personally, this comment has really got me thinking...

Edited by xXTrekkieCaraXx

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They believed children were born in Sin and are unnatural to the human race. They were born as Angels and become Devils.


First of all that makes no sense - it sounds contradictory. :laugh:


IMO, this is the kind of stuff I memorize so I can repeat it on a test but I personally find their description of children sad & and IMO misguided. Childhood is a natural and essential part of the human experience but so is being an adult.


I wouldn't read too much into the idea that adults don't play with children's toys. Children have motor and spatial skills among other things they have to develop - hours of play are really their "work". As for the "pretend" aspect - adults just watch other people "pretend" on television - I guess we get lazy as we get older.

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