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Preparing for an Emergency

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Right now we're all looking with horror at the aftermatch of Katrina, and unfortunately it's fallen to the finger pointing stage.


The truth is that every person should have make some emergency preparations because an emergency could always happen:


Here's some redcross info:



What amazes me is how many people don't have any emergency food or water on hand. Think about a major power outage - you can't run to the store and buy water and you can't cook dinner. Do you have a battery operated hurricane lantern and bottled water and canned goods to last you a couple of days. Do you have a first aid kit? Do you have important papers such as insurance policies, ID etc in a waterproof bag.


My own addition is a backup of everything on your PC - family pictures, financial info; for me my family history records etc so that if you do have to evacuate you can just grab the disk and go (Or you should already have a copy in that 72 hour kit).


If you have a pet - do you have a plan? Do you have an extra bag of food you can throw in the family car along with your 72 hour kit?

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I still have my family's Y2K armageddon emergency kit. :lol:


One thing my mom taught me,was to always have a well stocked pantry with plenty of clean drinking water for emergencies.And also to have a good first aid kit.Mine even includes sterile suture packs in assorted sizes for various emergency uses (one of my sister's is an RN and can get supplies from work that most folks wouldn't normally include in their first aid kits).

I don't have a generator at the moment.It would be a good idea to have one,though.

Basically,I think I'm A-okey-dokee as far as an emergency.Not one like New Orleans,though.Who can be prepared for that? :frusty:

Edited by admiralpeewee

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I was always taught to have extra food in the home, for emergencies.


My mother can remember my grandmother showing her with pride, how she had at least two months of food stocked away. The depression did that to people.


But since 9/11, I'm even more prepared than ever.


I have a storage area in my basement that is nothing but emergency items, based on the red cross list.


I also keep the camping equipment in that area.


I'm more prone to be "damaged" by a tornado though, than a hurricane.

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You could be right, but I think I have a situation where I hear what has been deflected, or stopped, so I have made sure to be prepared.


I even have DNA kits for everyone in the house, which includes hair samples in special tins, finger print charts, and recent photograph and video of them.


They are in water tight containers and are in an easy spot to grab in case of any emergency

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