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New to board, not new to Trek

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Wow, am I glad I found this! Can't believe it took so long. I found my way here through a search on "Greatest American Hero" via Google, although I don't recall the connection. Regardless, I'm first and foremost a Trekker (Classic, to be specific).


My profile has a bit about my interests regarding Trek and science fiction in general. I love writing fan fiction (so far, it's Stargate SG-1, I Dream of Jeannie, MASH, Trek -- TOS and DS9, and my latest obsession is GAH.)


I'm looking forward to snooping around this awesome site; it's way cool so far. Very well planned and an attractive layout. I'd love to hear from my fellow classic Trekkers, feel free to email me via my profile. Everyone's welcomed to check out my original fanfic links via my homepage, which will lead you to two archive sites. There's some adult/mature material, but sufficient warnings are given, so don't be alarmed.


Peace out, y'all!

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Generally MASH the series, because I mainly focus on Charles, and of course he wasn't in the movie. However, I get a lot of canon from the movie as well (although I know the series changed some things, like making Hawkeye the Chief Surgeon, not Trapper.)


Over time, I'm doing post-war stories for the characters (got Charles and Margaret's story done so far), and I have every intention of including the Painless Pole, Spearchucker, Ugly John and Duke in them. I mention these guys in one story, as Hawkeye goes home from Korea. So the movie's not being completely disregarded, esp. since Frank left the series in a similar fashion to the movie, then of course Charles steps in.

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Welcome to the site trek_grrl, see you on the boards and try dropping into the chat room sometime.


If you're interested in taking part in the Trek Trivia then you'll have to wait another week, the quizmaster's in Las Vegas at the moment. Have a look over some of the old questions for the meantime. Give it a try though.


Enjoy the site.

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Welcome to the site! Enjoy! Will take a look at your fan fic. Hope to see you on the boards or in chat! I also enjoy TOS and TAS (animated).

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Welcome to!!



Hope you enjoy it here......see you out there :rolleyes:

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