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Indoor Smoking Bans Are A Real Drag

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Schram Commentary: Indoor Smoking Bans Are A Real Drag


July 25, 2005


By Ken Schram  ken_schram.jpg


SEATTLE - Think it's bad here? Check out New Jersey. Lawmakers in the "Garden State" are trying to pass a law making it illegal to smoke in your car. Not for any health reasons mind you. Legislators say it's because taking a drag while driving is a distraction that causes accidents. (An accident is finding yourself driving in Jersey!) Makes Washington state look like a veritable oasis for smokers. Of course, we've got Initiative 901 looming on the November horizon. That's the measure that would not only kick puffing pariahs out of virtually every public place and business, but would further banish us to the outer rings of hell, or 25 feet from outside entrances, whichever is further away. Now, I'll be honest with you: If a smoking ban like that has to happen, I'd rather it come from a vote of the people instead of a bill in the legislature. That doesn't mean I'm in favor of the ban smoking initiative. I'm not. It just means I am totally fed up with government and what I call its "Don't Run with Scissors" laws. I'll be voting "NO" on 901. And since I vote absentee, you can bet I'll be smoking as I cast my ballot. Want to share your thoughts with Ken Schram? You can e-mail him at

What do you think?

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Yes, running with scissors is a bad idea Mr. Schmuck or whatever he's called.


Smoking while driving is also dumb. When you are driving and you drop your cigarette and lose control of the car and kill someone, then their families are not going to care that you needed that "one more drag" of your cancer stick before you crushed them with your vehicle.



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I really like it when smoker finishes their cigarette and throws it out of their car window as if the world is their ash tray.

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Smoking should be banned,period! I'm tired of subjecting myself to health problems by other people's second hand smoke. Another idea would be to legislate smoking like they do the open container laws for alcohol. In that scenario, smoking would only be permitted in establishments authorized for smoking, like bars. But no lit cigarets would be allowed outside of that establishment.

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Time for a smoker to weigh in. I understand totally your right not to be around me when I smoke. As a matter of fact, it has been stated before that I (the only smoker in this house---yes folks, Jim is now tobacco free) am not permitted to smoke in the house. I can smoke in the garage or outside. Doesn't bother me. and when I drive, I use my car ashtray. The college that I attend has a smoking section that is seperated from the main cafeteria and has large ventilators(Sp?) and if you smoke outside, you can't light up within 20 feet of the entrance. I understand this. I chose to smoke, you chose not to. I will respect your decision to smoke, and your right not to be around me when I do. However, smoking is a legal activity. the thing that annoys me is that elements on all levels of government are spending more effort to curb a legal activity such as smoking than they are to control illegal activities such as Cocain use. Let's get our priorities straight, here, folks. 90% of smokers are pretty considerate people. if you ask them not to smoke around you, they'll go somewhere else. Just be polite about it, PLEASE! and cut the crap about telling US it's bad for us! We know it is! It says it on the box, for cripes sakes!

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Agreed Gary.


I too use my ashtray and will avoid being too near or blowing smoke towards people when outdoors.


They better ban cell-phone use while driving as well. :cheers:


And as for air quality, that argument always cracks me up; taking away all cig smoke from the air will not clean it up, cars and industry put trillions more tons of crap into your air than smokers ever have or will. Force industry and car makers to achieve 0 emissions and I'll go along with a total ban on smoking but until then; leave me and my cancer sticks be.


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I have no problem with people smoking if they so desire. If they want serious illnesses and death then so be it, that's their choice.


As long as they are not smoking around me or blowing their smoke towards me that's all that I care about. Bars, cafes, public places, shopping malls, cinemas etc....should ban smoking.


I don't want people fiddling with cigarettes while driving. If you need a smoke, then pull over someplace safe and have one.

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*Cough Cough Cough* Having Asthma Growing up I hated cigs, My parents both smoked, but outside for my health reason, I dont care what ya do, just dont do it when I'm, Sitting Next to you without asking, I hate that, or I have a friend who I always scream at cause when we';re eating at a bar he usually lights up b4 I'm done eating, I hate the smell it also leaves on your clothes, Smoking should be banned in all public places, Excepts Bars, Pool Halls, and Bowling Alleies, now When I go Bowling I shower once I get home cause I smell like an ashtray (Yuck), Also I feel if you smoke around a Child under the age of 1, you should be flogged in Public

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I don't smoke in enclosed areas because I can't stand the smell of my own smoke around me. Plus, it'll leave a smell where ever I am. I always smoke outside, no matter the weather, and I never smoke around anyone.


But as for this article, shouldn't they be trying to do something about talking on cell phones while driving before even thinking of smoking and driving?

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...But as for this article, shouldn't they be trying to do something about talking on cell phones while driving before even thinking of smoking and driving?



The Mythbusters did a thing about talking on the Cell while driving. According to that, you are about as impared as you are while you're drunk.


By the way, you have a better chance of being killed by your own toilet than to be killed by someone Driving While Smoking. (insert corny toilet joke here)

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Apart from making the rest of the world have bad health problems, if everybody who smoked decided to stop, we'd have so much less harmful poluting fumes! well... a little bit less.. but as tesco would say: every little helps.


In general I don't have problem with people who smoke, but my mother does, I am suffering from it, and I hate her when I think about how shes ruining my life, and I can't control it.

She also, is one of those who would flick ash out of the window of the car, its frikken terrible! and every so often if she swerves or something, you find a little black burn mark in the roof of the car.

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I've come to see that Mr. Schramm just likes to publish controversial (and inaccurate) opinions just to flame emotions.


Example: all of these laws regulating smoking are not about protecting you from yourself if you smoke - they're about protecting other people from you. And the legislatute is only acting because "the people" want it. For years they've turned a blind eye and deaf ear to needs of non-smokers. I still remember having to work in a smoke filled office before clean air laws were passed. It was horrible.


I agree about cell phones in cars, personally I wish we had more commuting options and telecommuting etc to reduce the need to be on the road to begin with.


And people that smoke in their cars with infants and children - that's just wrong. :cheers:

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I personally hate smoking and after living with smokers all my life I have breathing problems and I'm only 19. Some do mind the non-smokers, but others just light up 5 more just for the heck of it. As for what Mr. Schram is talking about I would have to go with him on this... I rather have the people say what I can or cannot do rather then a few old people coming up with new ways to blow tax payer money.

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Smoking can and does hurt others and is rude. That means it's not a "Don't Run with Scissors law" as it's not only yourself you are affecting (directly).

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I think smoking is incredibly unhealthy and not the greatest idea to take up, but I do think people have the right to smoke if they so desire. However, I completely support the public smoking bans. I have the right not to be forced to inhale your smoke.


When it comes to smoking while driving, though, my opinion differs a bit. If you're in your car, I don't know that the government should be able to keep you from smoking. I may not smoke, but I do ocassionally talk on my cell while driving. I've had no difficulties doing so, therefore I don't really support a ban on cell phone use while driving. If I can't support that, then I can't really support the idea for this new smoking law.


I will say I agree with TUH, though. Subjecting young children in the car to smoke while driving is just wrong.

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I dont care if you smoke when you drive as long as you dont do 2 things, Smoke with Children under the age of 12 or throw a cancer stick out the Window, Cops need to enforce litter laws better for the last one

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I dont care if you smoke when you drive as long as you dont do 2 things, Smoke with Children under the age of 12 or throw a cancer stick out the Window, Cops need to enforce litter laws better for the last one


we have a rule around here, since all of our kids are under 12...don't smoke anywhere near them. Not in the car, not in the house. the farthest we normally drive is about 3 hours, and if you can sit through a movie without a smoke, you can sit through a 3 hour car ride without one. Gary understands these rules and obeys them to the letter. Now, if everyone else could...

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